Op next week! Started by: Charley

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  • Charley 3


    I was wondering if anybody could give me some advice! My op is a week tomorrow 24-6-15 and I really don’t know what is best to take with me to ensure i’m comfortable? What type of bra would you recommend? I only had my surgeon consultation + pre op yesterday so it has been pretty fast paced!!

    Amy advice would be reall appreciated!! xx


    I had mine done on the 13th, They strap you up afterwards babe so no need for your bra yet until you have your appointment to be unstrapped 🙂 make sure you bring a button up top and loose pj/jogger bottoms, a book to read whilst waiting and a bobble for tying your hair up, that’s all I needed 🙂

    Charley 3

    Hi Michelle, Ok so you can’t actually put the bra on after the operation? Were you a day case or did you stay overnight? As i’m only in for the day so wondering how long I will be kept in before i get let out 🙂 xx

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