Op on thurs! Can anyone tell me what to take please?xx Started by: Kelly H

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  • Kelly H 1

    Op on thurs! Can anyone tell me what to take please? Will I need a sports bra strait away? Or a few days after? I’m so confused! Not even got my admission time and it’s the day after tomorrow! Stressed!xx

    Trace 158

    Here is my list for my day case tomorrow!

    If your surgeon uses strapping you won’t need a bra until the strapping is removed, but I am taking mine just in case!

    Pre op:
    Making sure I wax all areas(!)
    Arnica tablets
    Bio oil (religiously twice a day)
    Using Hibiscrub shower gel running up to op
    Remove all nail varnish

    Taking on day of op:
    Shower with Hibiscrub
    Putting my hair in a plait!
    Dressing gown
    Energy drink and snacks
    Zip up hoodie

    After op:
    Lots of front fastening tops
    Bio Oil
    Arnica tabs
    Senna tablets for the bloat/constipation
    V Pillow and Body pillow
    Dry hairspray
    Anti bac baby wipes (due to not being able to shower for 7 days)
    Aqueous cream/vaseline/baby oil to remove the pen marks sticky strapping residue
    Lots of protein rich food to aid healing
    Reuseable ice packs

    Danielle 24

    I’ve just received my time I’m also thursday… check your junk mail xx

    Danielle 17

    Me too my nerves suddenly kicked inn hard… What’s your admission time? I’m just taking some entertainment, slipper and dressing gown to hos with me x

    Danielle 24

    my times 10.30 …. thats all I’m taking too as coming home xx

    Sophie 123

    Good luck hun I’m on Thursday aswell xxx

    Kelly H 1

    ThankYou! Been and got half of this today and been bra shopping again too excited! And thanks Danielle it was yeah, my admission time is 2.00pm with dr traynor, good luck girlies! Xx

    Danielle 17

    We’re staying over in hotel wish I was just going straight home… Mines 8am als with Mr Traynor early start travelling just hope I’m not hanging around too long x

    Kelly H 1

    I’ve turned my mums car into a bed on the back seats, memory foam everything haha, I wish it was in the Manchester hospital as Preston is quite far so im glad its quite late, what size are you getting? I’m pushing for 425 as I don’t want boob greed lol, been offered 375-400, let me know how you get on! Xx

    Danielle 17

    Iv went with 400cc he offered between 300cc-400cc just hope there not too big and round looking on me. Are you nervous about size? I know I live in Newcastle so 5am start be dying to get knocked out when I get there lol. Will do you too might see you there x

    Danielle 24

    Im only an hour n half drive away so not too bad .. Im having 450cc hp overs xx

    Kelly H 1

    Yeah me too I don’t want them to look too big and I’m scared they will be too small Aswell and ill regret not going bigger! It’s so stressful isn’t it, finally hit me now though it’s the day after tomorrow, bricking it but i fully trust mr traynor to give me what I asked for so fingers crossed haha:)xx

    Danielle 17

    Yeah iv heard all good things about him 🙂 yes deffo I think I would be more gutted waking up to small ones than bigger. Ah me too I’ll put on a brave face but properly cry in there lol. Yes deffo hope it hope it goes well I’m nervous like x

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