Op tomorrow and my damn gel nails won't budge!!?!?!! Started by: Emma

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  • Emma

    It’s my fault for being vain and keeping them on till the last minute 🙁 I’ve never soaked them off myself before but it seemed to sound straightforward enough. File, file, file, , soak, soak, soak, soak, soak, soak, file, file, file, file, file, , soak, soak, soak, soak, soak, soak, file, file, file, file, zzzzzzzzzzz. I think my fingers are more likely to drop off before my gels! What am I doing wrong?! I need sleep 🙁


    Where r u going I went to Preston yesterday and was told you could leave them on and polish ? X

    Amy 19

    I’m sure I read somewhere about this a while ago that as long as you have either your toe nails or finger nails with nothing on it’s okay? So if you have no polish on your toes you may be ok? But don’t take my word for it cos I’m not sure if it’s true xxx


    Thanks ladies, going to Doncaster. Didn’t want to risk it so just rushed in and out of one of those Thai nail bars that knacker your nails! :-/ She’s filed my poor nails to within an inch of their life, and I now have little man hands, but they’re off! Supposed to be getting gel put back on at my regular place on Saturday…that might’ve been a bit of a foolish and ambitious appointment to make…:-/ Ah well, we shall see. En route to the clinic now!!x

    Amy 19

    ohh thats crap 🙁 woooo good luck chick!! xxx


    Thanks, Amy!!xx

    Cherry91 -1

    Good luck Amy, I had mine done a year ago today, it goes so fast xx

    Francesca -1

    better safe than sorry hun, they can’t measure oxygen levels in the blood through your finger if you have fake nails on, they also can’t see if your fingers are going grey/blue which is a sign, again, of lack of oxygen xx


    Thanks, Francesca! Yes. I think it was the best ting to do xxxx

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