Op yesterday 27/2 my experience! Started by: Emma

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  • Emma 7

    Hi girls I had my op yesterday, I didn’t go with mya but I thought sharing my experience would still help 🙂
    My admission time was 11:30am and I waited until 2:30pm for my op, the waiting was horrible I felt sick with nerves and because I hadn’t eaten since the night before. When they came to get me to take me down to theatre I started crying I was so scared!
    They were all really friendly and chatted to me, the needle didn’t hurt at all and I remember thinking I wasn’t going to fall asleep but next thing I did 🙂
    I remember waking up in recovery but felt so sick so they kept me down there abit longer, I came up to my room and was still feeling really sick and was eventually sick n felt loads better afterwards. They gave me a sandwich but I couldn’t stomach it so just had a nibble between dozing.
    I brought my iPad with me and my pyjamas thinking I would be able to get changed and sit and watch tv on the iPad, how wrong was I, I could hardly move and was so sleepy! The nurse came to check on me every 2 hours throughout the night so I didn’t get much sleep.
    I was discharged at 9:30 this morning after they took my drains out and I had some cereal. I travelled 2 hours home, the painkillers were wearing off and every bump in the road made me so sore I couldn’t wait to get home! I had my v pillow behind me and that was helpful.
    I’ve just been resting in bed today, I’m so restricted and need help just to sit up or go to the toilet! I seriously under estimated the pain and discomfort (I had partials).
    I will update with pics soon, I’ve had a sneaky look and they look really good although quite swollen :).
    Hope this helps! xxx


    @emmapageyx congrats hun! I had partials on 23/02 and it is reslly shit at first, but I promise it does get easier. I’m POD 5 and can move and breathe a lot easier and don’t have much pain anymore. Who did you go with & what size did you get? X

    Emma 7

    @abiw thank you that makes me feel better! I hate feeling so reliant on people lol. I went with Transform and had 350cc/375cc they feel massive at the moment but thinking that might be due to swelling, hoping I’ll be a D at least! What size did you have? xx


    @emmapageyx Just rest up and make sure you take your pain meds on time. I tried weaning myself off them on POD2 to get rid of the belly bloat but its really not worth the pain lol!
    Yeah a D would be a good size. I got 450/500cc and was a 34b before xx

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