ouch eeeee ….. Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    had op tues…. uplift and implants through nipple im guna av a lil rant…
    my back my neck my ribs all kill my belly looks bigger now than when i was act pregnant and i cant go to the loo. i sleep sat up then wakeoup half way bk down the bed even wiv about a million pillows i love my boobs i loved the hole thing but ever task and move is really hurting even wiv my painkillers boohoooo x


    Aw Becky hope you’re ok! I had my BA this morning! I’m not feeling too bad but I guess I may have the anaesthetic in me so in I how tomorrow will be! Make sure you’re resting lots! Happy recovery x


    yeah the day i came out and morning after i felt brilliant cus of the painkillers and morphine i wish i could have more of that haha x

    Mel -4

    Day 3&4 are defo the worst but after that you will start to feel so much better trust me x

    Cascada 1

    Yeh my back hurt so much too, by day 4 I was starring to feel like I would never get used to them, but it gets loads better! 🙂 first week is the hardest! 4 weeks on I forget I’ve had them done sometimes, still feel abit odd to touch but getting softer and less numb! So dw once you get past the first week itl be much easier!! 🙂 x


    cheers luv xxxx


    Aw Becky I felt the same, but mels right, day 3 & 4 are deffo the worst. I thought if never feel normal but at 10 data post op I’m nearly back to myself 🙂 its just a few more days for you, hang in there! Xx


    Yep Becky it does get better the 3rd 4th day when hosp drugs wear off are worst but your’ll then gradually feel much much better.

    I felt back to normal 10 days PO. struggled with bloat and toilet issues even with taking a Senekot every day for five days…. It was such a relief 6 days PO to have a no.2!!! Lol I’m normally very regular ;0)

    Take it as easy as u can and rest it really does help xx

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