Panic!! Pls help uplift and BA patients Started by: Kelbel

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  • Kelbel 3

    So I’ve just received a call from MYA to tell me that I’m now an overnight admission next Tuesday for my operation as I’m having an uplift and BA… Did anyone else have to stay over when having this procedure? She said its because its a bigger operation than a normal BA which has now made me feel scared an worried 🙁 luckily she said because it was their mistake I wouldn’t need to pay for the overnight stay which is good but a little annoying as I paid for a superior room in a nearby luxury hotel for the night as wanted the luxuries after my op and now my boyfriend will be staying there on his own…!!!. If id known I would be staying at the hospital id have booked him an Etap hotel lol!!!
    ***Feeling worried***


    Hey @kelly-Doncaster I had an overnight stay I was with transform though not mya I live in Glasgow so the traveling would have been too much to go with mya.. 12.30 I got home today, I had a really late admission time of 3pm. It’s totally fine I felt so relaxed because I knew if anything went wrong I would still be in the hospital. My mum came with me she never left untill 10.30 so your boyfriend will be able to stay with you to late on anyway. Xxx

    Kelbel 3

    just putting this to the top as really need ladies experiences with this 🙂 xxx

    Sian 2

    I had a tummy tuck and uplift and they said just one night stay.. then MYA called me up and said sorry I needed two nights in hospital as it was a big procedure.
    I didn’t want to leave Highgate. It was really nice there.


    Kelbel 3

    That makes me feel better @sian I suppose it’s only precaution but still scary!! X

    Sian 2

    You are much better staying in hospital.. They wait on you and chat to you in the night if cant sleep or give you sleeping pills. I felt safe there and if they have said you need to then they know best.

    God luck xxxx


    Hey huni I’m year on from full uplift and and implants every one who has this done has to stay over this op is a big thing they should have told u as u will be n so much pain you will be n need of tramadol jabs in the night you would be n the mood for chilling in a hotel it’s not a easy thing to have done I was told to take 6 weeks of work could even lift my arms up brush my hair bath or anything but it’s worth it n the end u having a the full uplift or nipple lift x

    Kelbel 3

    Thanks ladies 🙂 I was told by my surgeon and then my PC that I would only new day admission but got a call from someone today to let me know otherwise! I’m ok with staying but it’s just come as a shock and wondered if everyone who had this procedure had to stay in overnight. I’m having full lift and implant…. Had my admission time today… 11am on Tuesday!!! Xxxx


    You so better off staying the night they need to keep an eye on you plus the beds are fab as u can bring the bottom of the bed up and top so your more comfy that’s thing that didn’t like af the op having to sleep sat up x


    I had same procedure in October hun you’ll be fine. I stayed in hospital over night too its nothing to worry about 🙂 .. I was back at work after a week too but I only work in a office so never had to move around much. You’ll just feel like your chest is being crushed for like 2-3 weeks xxxx

    Kelbel 3

    Oh lovely, a crushed chest… That’s all I need lol!!!! Thanks ladies I don’t know what I’d of done if I hadn’t had this forum… Feel like I’ve made a new little boobie family lol xxxx


    It helped me so much having people to talk too who had already been through it 🙂 If you have any questions feel free to message me xxxx

    Kelbel 3

    Thanks babe ill prob end up messaging u beforehand if I have any questions. I have my pre op today which I’m looking forward to although not sure exactly what happens! X


    I had to stay over night after my uplift and ba, it is a bigger and longer op so they like to keep an eye on you and keep on top of your pain relief if needed x


    How’s the scarring after? I’m having a uplift and BA and I’m nervous it will be really noticeable xxx


    My scarring is nearly invisible I have pics on of mine now that I’m 12+ months po x

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