Partials help. Started by: Zoe

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  • Zoe 15

    So I had my op yesterday I was having 400cc unders, when he came to draw on me he said I’d be better having overs as I’ve choose the bigger implant and there is no muscle in the middle so they will sit far apart, I wasn’t happy with overs but I said to do what he thinks and when I woke up he said I’ve got partial under the muscle so I get the benefits from unders but they will settle closer together.. But what does it mean partially under the muscle how is it sat? I was to doped up I don’t know what he said xx

    Lisa 12

    I had partials too. Basically the top of the implant is under the muscle and the bottom is over. X

    Zoe 15

    @lisa4995 Thankyou! I’ve been trying to have a feel see what’s going on but there just so hard. Do they take time to drop the same as overs? Xx

    Lisa 12

    Yeah they do I’m 4 weeks now and they’re really changing. I’ve accepted u as a friend so u will be able to see my pics. Xx

    Sarah 13

    I have partials too, 460cc and had them done yesterday too (not with mya). Mine are rock hard too! And I’m worrying that at the moment they seem quite far apart and feels like my implants are in my armpits!!
    Lisa – hope you don’t mind if I add you as a friend x

    Lisa 12

    @sarahe just accepted. I only had 335 but they suit my skinny frame. I wasn’t with mya either. I have a naturally wide gap but it has definitely lessened over the weeks, althogh the surgeon said I’ll never have a natural cleavage without a bra. Xx

    Zoe 15

    @lisa4995 your look amazing! They look like they’ve changed so much. @satahe mine feel like there so far apart aswell but it think it’s because there so swolen xx

    Lisa 12

    @zoe-2 thanks so much i really am so happy with them. They aren’t huge and in your face and look just nice in clothes, they look bigger naked though and i think with a good bra I will get a nice cleavage. X

    alice 42

    I am having partials too – but I don’t really ‘get’ them… what is the advantage of having partials? All I can imagine is them coming out lop sided, with half of it under the muscle and half not. I realise this isn’t the case, but its what my brains logic tells me! Plus the bottom of the boob is where the natural breast tissue sits too, so doesn’t the bottom end up much bigger than the top, or am I just being an idiot?!

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