Payment Started by: Lucy

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  • Lucy 26

    Hi girls,
    Can anyone who paid in full tell me when they had to pay by? My PC said it will be 30 days before but all over the documents it says 56 days ? She has sent me something to sign but the payment date is wrong its a lot earlier and i questioned it and she said she can’t change it until i have signed it and she’s booked the date for me but im just worried about signing it and then her turning round to me and saying it has got to be paid 56 days before

    carlymarie 17

    Yeah 56 days before Hun x


    Mine is 4 weeks before she sent me a thing with the wrong date on aswell but she put down it would be paid by the date 4 weeks before my op which is the 26th June and I’ve got pay by this Monday so just over 4 weeks mine has got be paid xx

    Lucy 26

    Ok thank you il just trust my PC then! x

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