Please Help! In agony! Started by: Lisa

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  • Lisa

    Hi girls! I’m 2 days post op now and the pain in my right boob is almost unbearable I could cry! I’m getting a lot of burning and ripping pains on the incision line and I can hardly move! If I move my arms it makes me scream! I’m taking the pain killers regularly as well as my antibiotics and have now introduced ibruphrohen as well! When will it start to calm down?? Any advice would be much appreciated!

    Jessica 1

    Hi Hun, I’m 4 days po… I’m feeling exactly the same. I’m taking same meds as u aswell. I called out of hours today. I told them what I was feeling they said it’s expected to be feeling pain up to 1 week after surgery. The nurse on phone said she will monitor me today by calling me bk through day to check how I’m feelin. She even said I can come into the clinic to see someone tomorrow. But I said as I’m not local I will only come if it gets worse as I have my 1 week post op appointment on Wednesday anyway. Lisa you can add me or pm me anytime. I hope this helps Hun xxx btw I can hardly use my arms either I can only pick up very light objects but as for lifting up my arms… No way !!! if I do it I know the pain will be terrible.


    Hi Jessica just added you! Thank you so much for replying! You’ve made me cry haha! I’m literally stuck in bed, I cannot move an inch without being in pain! I keep bursting into tears! I am not a teary person at all! I never cry at anything!! Lol!! It’s so frustrating! I’ve just had to call my sister to come and give me a hand with my kids as my husband is helping me! Have you got anyone helping you? I was gonna phone in today but I’m the same I live in Devon and the nearest clinic is Bristol! Not seeing the nurse till Thursday! Please keep me up to date with how you are doing! It’s great being able to talk it through with someone who know exactly how you are feeling!! Xx

    Jessica 1

    Just pm’d u hun. X

    Jessica 1

    Btw I only started moving around (walking round my house yesterday) but it was damn painful! I have history of getting blood clots in my legs that’s why I forced myself as was worried I would get clotting again due to being immobile. Only saying this Hun because I had previous medical condition, not because I think being immobile gives ppl blood clots! If I didn’t have this previously I defo would stay in bed like you for at least 4 or 5 days. X


    I’m getting really bad ripping pains in my right boob too, 4 days post op! I assume it’s because I’m right handed so do everything with that side, xx

    Yana 51

    Try ice packs, (ice cubes in a bag)I used them a lot at the beginning. It helps a lot! Just move it around the boobs, don’t get frost bites:) it gets easier, I promise!


    Hi Andrea, sorry to hear your going through the same thing, it sucks!!! Feel a complete mess, desperate for a shower already! Have you spoken to anyone yet? I hadn’t really prepared myself for this! Thought I would be ok! Yes, that’s a good point about being right handed! I am! trying as best as I can to use my left side to pick things up , any movement on my right side is still stinging and burning! Do you mind if I add you? You can keep me up to date with your progress then : ) xx

    Hi Yana, thanks for the advice, got my husband on it! How far post op are you now? How long did it take you to get back to normal? Can I add you too please xx

    Yana 51

    Hi, I’m almost 3 weeks(18 days), and have bad days and good ones. My recovery is slower because of the included full tummy tuck I had, with muscle it’s expected to be long and difficult. Very swollen in the tummy area still and the back muscles are in agony even though I’m almost completely upright. But I can shower now, and get in/out of bed on my own, so it’s getting better I suppose:)


    Oh my goodness! Can’t imagine how you have got through your recovery so well! How have you managed to cope with both surgery at once? Amazing transformation! I hope your recovery continues to go well! Xx

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