Post Op Pain – Advice Started by: Maggie King

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    Hi girls,
    I’m having my BA on the 24th October & I’ve been really excited about it but recently I’ve started thinking about what it’s going to feel like when I wake up. Could anyone who’s had a BA describe what it was like when they woke up? I’m really worried about coming round from the GA & just feeling in agony! Thank you πŸ™‚

    Jennifer 6

    Everybody is different hun. I had 375cc unders. When I came around I was mega drowsy still so I wasn’t in pain. For me I got uncomfortable but not in agony overnight. Plus if you are in pain the nurses will either give you an ice pack or some more pain releif. I had quite a bit in there including morphin, codeine and muscle relaxants. I was just uncomfortable on the drive home. Whatever you do though, do not use your arms to transfer you to your bed in your room ☺️ Xx

    abby rose 59

    When I had my op and woke up I felt fine I transfered myself from one bed to the other and was fine but then as I started to come around I was in alot of pain especially when I had to go the toilet I felt as though my boobs was going to drop off haha but as each day has gone by its gotten so much easier I am almost back to normal and I’m 5 days post op but everyone is diffrent but it’s nothing to worry about its all worth it xx


    You prob won’t feel much pain when you wake up because you have a local as well as a general with will still be working I found waking up day 1 was the worst pain but just keep on top of your pain killers and you will be fine I’m on day 4 now and totally pain free just feels tight the worst thing is back ache through sleeping sitting up. Just remember it is totally worth it good luck Hun xx


    @vdbx @abbyrosex @krist
    Thanks girls, this has made me feel so much better about it πŸ™‚ I was just trying to prepare myself for what it’s going to feel like. I didn’t want to wake up & panic because I was in pain or couldn’t breathe very well! What kind of medication do they give you to take home?


    You get a weeks antibiotics paracetamol codine to take home xx


    Everyone is different. I had a bad time with waking up. I was in recovery two and a half hours. I could hear them but I couldn’t move or talk but when I eventually came round I was just drowsy and it’s more of ache than pain if u keep on top of meds your fine. My op was yesterday. Its not as bad as I thought and I have a toddler to look after. Hubby is doing a lot tho x


    Hi, I wouldn’t worry too much. I’m post op day 4 now. When I woke up I was appranetly jabbering away about my mums chicken casserole and how hungry I was. I don’t remember this, my boyfriend told me :’)
    Then I remember thinking “oh my boobs are in” and tried to have a look. Didn’t feel any pain at all that day. Was uncomfortable, but I’ve never touched my co-codamol πŸ™‚ xx


    @joannalouise29 I have a very energetic toddler too so I hope I find it okay like you!

    – Oh wow! I hope it’s that easy for me not to take the strong pain relief
    I guess everyone is different but I’ve got my fingers crossed!!

    Mandy Pearce 23

    Do you have any help at home Maggie if you have a child? I am not getting mine done until Dec but i went with my daughter for hers. For at least four days I had to help her sit up in bed, out of bed and lie back down, adjust her pillows etc. Everyone is different though x


    Yeah I’ve been really lucky, I had overs though which are usually less painful as the chest muscle isn’t affected as much. πŸ™‚ I felt the weight of them the first 2 days when I was getting up in a morning but no pain πŸ™‚ xx


    @lynne2013 – Yeah my boyfriend is going to be there to help me & do everything like take her to childminding & pick her up. I work 9-5 anyway so her routine will still be the same, I just have to make sure she doesn’t climb on me!

    Mandy Pearce 23

    Oh that’s good hehe i was thinking nooooo she can’t pick a toddler up


    @pippab – Oh yeah, I’ve heard it’s more painful under the muscle. I keep trying to imagine what the weight is going to feel like but I bet it’s so strange when we’re used to not much!! I’m planning on setting alarms in the night to take my pills so morning boob isn’t so bad haha

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