psychological effects of having breast augmentation ( How does it feel ?) Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi Girls
    Just thought I would ask how it feels to adjust to your new body after surgery. I hear girls saying its a roller coaster of emotions. Is there an initial high then a crash to feeling low and teary? Does it take a a while before the boobs feel like they are a part of your body? How do I prepare for the psychological effects of the surgery, please share thankyou xxxxx

    emma 38

    Hi Becki

    I personally didn’t experience like a crying period. I was really happy with them and then I got a little bit concerned one looked slightly bigger but you have to keep in mind that in the early stages everything can change. Once I stopped taking pics everyday I felt better and they evened out a bit later.

    I forget they’re there now but at first they did feel really strange and not part of my body but you’ll get used to them pretty quickly xxxx

    Amy 74

    It honestly depends on each person. I was so happy when I woke up from surgery and then got a bit down in the first week where I felt so uncomfortable and slightly painful, but nothing a bowl of ice cream couldn’t fix lol. I began to feel no emotion after probably week 2 as I got used to them being there and don’t even realise!
    Obviously I feel so much happier with my body but I feel no different mentally in general xx

    Joanna 38

    I am POD2 today, I can honestly say I am a bit worried now – I only had 275cc and worried they are too big!! I was looking for the small enhancement and I probably could have gone smaller! I have played around with the idea for years and years, ever since I had my first child at 18 and breast fed him until he was past 1 years old…my boobs looked so nasty I have always been super conscious of them, I had another child 5 years later and breast fed again so my boobs have truely served their purpose! I seemed to have obsessed over boobs for the last 12 years and pay a great deal of attention to the size of everyone else’s. I have booked surgery twice before and cancelled, and had a number of consultations at different places, so a great deal of thought has gone into this – the reason I have backed out was to try and steer away from society’s expectations of what a woman should be like and show that women do have smaller breasts but it was really hard when there seems to be hardly no one!! The reason they’re isn’t is because we all go and change our bodies – I am now part of that category and feeling guilty atm – I suppose it really is a rollercoaster of emotion, I hope today is just one of those days and it will pass…!!! I’ve yet to announce my new body to friends and family, I am not a very carefree person and I do let judgemental comments get to me, in my head I am going to be strong and say I don’t care what people think but deep down I’m not so sure!! Xx


    Thanks for that Emma and Amy, I cant imagine how it will feel looking at my body and seeing it so completley different, but because I’ve wanted big boobs for a long time then i can imagine its good looking and seeing them big. Maybe the difficult bit would be thinking there not big enough, or not liking the shape or just over analysing everything, I think this is what you meant Emma when you said you stopped taking photos. So don’t obsess, just chill and let them settle is what you are saying, Amy i will get the haagen daz ready 🙂
    if I have a meltdown on day 3 after surgery please remind me to read this post 🙂

    Amy 74

    Honestly, the down days are normal! I spent my whole second week hating them because they just weren’t what I expected. I do suggest possibly staying off the posts where people are uploading pictures of theirs further down the line as you WILL compare and possibly upset yourself. Now mine have started to take shape and I feel so much happier looking at them which is a huge turnaround from 2 weeks ago x


    Joanna I totally understand, I have always felt comfortable with natural breast and deffo feel like there should be no pressure on women to feel like they have to conform to societies views of the perfect woman. I do love women who are confident in their natural body.
    But after saying all that as i got older and have breast fed3 children my breasts are not as nice and full as they used to be. I think I want to do something that enhances what I already have. The technology is there to do it and I will feel better about my self, my hubby will like my new look so its more about investing in me and my relationship, thats how I see it.
    I have told my family and am quite happy to let people know if they ask, but i wont broadcast it to everyone. it is a personal decision and nobody really needs to know unless i decide to tell them 🙂 My hubby is extra excited, it brings us closer together, I think its nice he is so supportive of my decision and its nice I still want to be attractive for him, its good for our relationship.
    But ultimatley its my body and its me who has to go through the surgery, the recovery and live with the results for the rest of my life so I think the decision lies solely with the woman, its personal and enpowering.
    good luck girls xxx

    Joanna 38

    Aw thanks Becky you’re right, I am starting to feel better today, I think the meds are having an effect on my mind set I woke up a lot happier today tho, plus the pain is quite uncomfortable and has been getting me down. I am still getting used to my new body bug overall feeling loads better like you say it is a personal decision, we don’t have to explain to anyone why we choose to make these decisions xx

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