Pulling/cramp feeling in breast when move a certain way Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hey girls everytime I move my right arm a certain way it’s like a part of my breast goes into cramp or something is pulling haha my left is completly fine. Anyone else get this? Feel like I can feel the implant moving when I walk around haha! Weird xx

    Gemma 7

    I kept getting cramp in one arm all the time. It wears off eventually but nothing to worry about x


    Yeah it’s just like I can feel the implant moving I don’t know haha! Xx


    @lucieroyer I’m 2 days PO now and have a pulling feeling in my right breast. And when I’m changing my sports bra I need to hold it as its feels like it’s pulling. Quite sore but other than that no other pain. xxx

    Gina 9

    @lucieroyer I’m 2 and a half weeks post op and I have exactly the same sensation in my right arm/breast only my left is perfectly fine . I have a feeling it’s because that’s my dominant arm that I use more for holding and carrying things etc. many girls and the nurse have reassured me it’s perfectly normal and that I just need to wait for my muscles to relax and release their ‘hold’on the implant , I imagine it’s just a case of the muscle being a little tight at the moment xxx

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