Re-op/problem posts freaking me out?! Started by: Danielle Grant

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    Hi ladies,

    My op is 1 week today and although on the one hand I’m so excited, there’s a part of me that’s freaking out and worrying if I’ve done the right thing?! When I see posts about post op problems and fighting for re ops etc it scares the crap out of me! Don’t get me wrong, not for one minute am I suggesting people don’t post about issues, that’s what it’s here for! I’m just wondering if I should stop myself reading them?! 😉 Is it REALLY common to have these issues post op or is it a small percentage?! I’m stressing myself out thinking it’ll be just my luck something will go wrong and my hubby will say ‘told you so’!! (Kidding, kinda!).

    Please say this is normal pre op nerves?!



    I hadn’t been on here pre op much other than to review sizes but also got cold feet just before even on the day and days after the surgery but so far everything for me is going well x


    I am going through exactly the same thing. I am still strapped up with duct tape and worrying what could possible go wrong, complaining about the shape of them already and thinking if it was a good decision.
    I am trying to prevent infection as much as I can and of course I am taking things easy.
    But the waiting is horrible. The most scary part – it has been done and there is no way out!
    Hopefully we will be ok.
    Please stay positive.
    I have already noticed a huge improvement in my body shape – now I kow what hourglass figure means!!!!

    Anna xx


    Honestly as like Anna for days after I was miserable and refused to look at them as I thought and rightly they were strange shaped. There is more likelihood of people complaining on here as that’s what a forum is successful for the tens of thousands of success stories aren’t on this site you are in safe experienced hands. Its alright for me to say my that now but I’m only 2 weeks on and have stopped worrying other than counting down days till I can stop lying on my back x


    Thanks girls. I’m sure all will be ok and I’m just being a worry wart! I have already decided not to show hubby what they look like until settled as I think it’ll freak him out initially too lol! It’s stylish a big deal… But just gotta think of all those lovely bikinis!! X


    I feel just the same Danielle it’s driving me mad. Everytime I read something negative I start having second thoughts, and I keep watching cosmetic surgery gone wrong programmes on tv. But then I see someones pic who’ve had a really good op and I think god wish mine looked like that!


    I posted about a worry of mine.however it was still the best thing I have ever done. I do not regret it at all but when posting you can sometimes make it sound worse than it is not on purpose. Mya are amazing you will be fine honestly. Enoy the experience I miss it!! Xxxx


    You are currently on an emotional roller coaster which is nowhere near its peak yet. You will have days when you feel like it’s the best thing you ever did and others when you’re terrified you’ve broken them, crying for no reason or freaking out that something is seriously wrong- it’s all part of the journey. I am about 3 and a half weeks PO now but it feels like much longer because of the ups and downs I’ve already experienced.
    I don’t regret mine for a minute but it’s only natural to have these concerns, it’s a very small number that go wrong and a tiny tiny number that are really serious.
    Btw- the pain was nowhere near as bad as you think it will be (I milked mine for as long as possible for the sympathy but honestly, it’s not that bad at all!)
    Enjoy the ride! xxx


    Aw thanks ladies, appreciate the words of encouragement! Xxx

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