Really starting to hate my breasts more than I did before my op Started by: sam

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  • sam

    I have major rippling and my boobs look awful in everything…I’m absolutely devastated
    Was never contacted again after my 6week check
    That’s disappointing
    Really not happy with anything if I’m honest over 1year post op
    And at this moment in time I regret my decision as they are not what I asked for at all 🙁

    Freya 70

    Aw hun I’m sorry to hear this, nothing worse than all the excitement then dissapointment in the end 🙁 could you not go back to your pc and see if there is anything they could do? Xx

    Freya 70

    Hope you don’t mind the add xx

    Amy 265

    Surely there something that can be done did they say you was at risk from rippling? Who was your surgeon?


    I think you’re covered for a re-op if the rippling is really bad? Should say in your paperwork. If I were you I would ring MYA and ask to see your surgeon for a chat. Hope you get some answers soon. xx


    I think rippling is apart of 3years cover for CC with free re op up to the 1st 3 years xx


    It’s NOT that was I don’t think any of them cover rippling


    Hope you don’t mind me adding you hun xx


    Stop spamming threads Mandy, pretty rubbish thing to do on a thread where someone is obviously asking for genuine support. You’ve posted exactly the same thing on several threads now…


    Oh Sam, so sorry to hear that. I cant imagine how you must feel chick, but I would definetly be going back to see if anything can be done!
    Seems like once they get your money they dont wanna know.
    can I ask how long after having your ba did the rippling start? I was told that I could be at risk if I was to lose anymore weight. x


    If your not happy speak to your surgeon asap!! I did and he is doing my revision op for free they don’t cover for rippling as that can happen but they can help research fat transfers or talk to him about changing the implants did you have responsives or soft touch? Going for a more cohesive silicone can help as it’s more solid and less likely to ripple have you had kids and breast fed?? If you have you are more at risk or the dreaded ripples like me so I went for the inspira soft touch. You may also have an implant that’s too big Defo speak to your surgeon asap!!! Xx


    I think the implant is too big but it’s worth shot chick as if they have put a implant in that don’t fit that’s there problem xx


    I don’t think they’ll do anything to be honest as told me at the time that some people get rippling (but did tell me that the implants I’d chosen were the best ones and what size he thought best also offered me bigger) but I wanted a natural look and now because of the rippling the only way I can make it less visible is by pushing my boobs up and then making tem look really fake and they don’t suit me so I’m covering up more than I did before now 🙁

    I had soft touch
    Yes breastfed 3 kids
    They were aware of this I was supposed to have unders but was told when I woke I had overs which I was mad about but they then said I had been given unders I think to shut me up

    There is no gradual slant into my breasts just a long flat drop then two stuck on saggy sacks
    And my breasts feel like 2 carrier bags full of liquid you can feel every crease and see every dent 🙁

    And I feel more anxious about them as although my breast were bad before they weren’t going to get worse and worse as the days go by like they are now
    Can’t even look at them in the Mirror


    Hope you don’t mind the add Hun, I have slight rippling too, hoping it doesn’t get any worse. So sorry to hear your unhappy xx


    I think you need really need to find out if yours are overs as under don’t ripple so if this is the case you got a leg to stand on as this isn’t wot you had to agree on wots it say in your notes ? Xx


    I think you need really need to find out if yours are overs as under don’t ripple so if this is the case you got a leg to stand on as this isn’t wot you had to agree on wots it say in your notes ? But looking on your pics they do look like overs as you got that full round look x


    It’s worth a go chick end of day u payed all that cash and your in u rights too I’m sure he will sort out chick xx


    The pics I have on here were just after my op …they don’t look like that now 🙁 xx
    Will try to go back just hard to find the time at the mo xx


    Hi hun u arent covered for rippling if thats the only problem with them then u will have to pay to have them redone.. i have rippling in my left boob but its not visible.. i can also feel the bottom edge of my left implant.. if any of that had of been visible i would have been very disappointed but i was told about the risks and i discussed it with my man we put the money away in case something like that happened so i could get them sorted.. its such a shame that u have been so unlucky cant imagine how disappointed u feel xx

    Emma 26

    Rippling is usually due to thin skin, not enough tissue underneath to cover the implant 🙁 as your not happy with the results you could ask mya if a revision could be possible as they would then place a thin piece of surgical netting where the rippling is to improve the thickness between the skin and the implant, unfortunatly rippling is due to the skin not the implant itself xxx

    tara beach 2

    Hi Hun hope you don’t mind 8 weeks po and have one bigger than the other.they have both dropped now so it can’t be because one haven’t going to speak to my surgeon as I’m seriously unhappy x


    Normal if the skin thin they will be out under the muscle It’s a bloody shame if he placed them over instead of under I’m sure if u need them replacing mya may give u at discount price like they did with a anther girl as her cui implant bust just over the 3year mark xx

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