Recovery stories and tips please!! Started by: Beth

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  • Beth

    With my op less than a month away and being just over a week before Christmas I want to be as prepared for my recovery as possible! Obviously it’s not all under my control but any tips or purchases you made that helped your recovery would be greatly appreciated. I’d love to hear as many peoples recovery stories as possible and any advice you can give would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!! Xx

    Imogen (@icrlm) 155

    Hey. I’ve made a couple of posts on here which I’ll tag you in. Hopefully they’ll be of help to you. X


    Aw thank you!! X


    @icrlm thank you so much for all your help! Also after having a nosy at your profile I’ve noticed you’ve had exactly the same implants in exactly the same positioning for the same reason! I hadn’t noticed my chest wall a-symmetry previously and just thought it down to a difference in breast size until seeing my surgeon! I have added you and will also follow you on instgram if that is ok? Thank you for being so helpful! X

    Imogen (@icrlm) 155

    Hey. You’re welcome. Oh really! When I was researching I couldn’t find anyone with chest wall asymmetry. I had always known about it but would have never classed it as sever… I assume the surgeon did because I don’t imagine any asymmetry in the chest wall is normal. Of course not, that’s what I’ve created it for 🙂 I’ll take a look at my requests and accept in a min. Xx


    No you’re the first person I’ve found who’s written about having the same thing! Have you noticed them evening out with the implants? My surgeon said that no matter what he puts in they will be different due to my chest wall difference being severe. I’m. It too fussed though. I’m just hoping they look at great and natural as yours already do so early on! @icrlm x

    Imogen (@icrlm) 155

    It’s still early days as I’m only 10DPO but I’m really pleased at the moment. I was worried that the left implant (the side which projects more) would look odd and that the op might exaggerate the asymmetry but it hasn’t. My boobs weren’t visually that different to start with and no friends or family noticed the asymmetry before I told them about it.
    The asymmetry was most obvious when looking up from beneath (not that you see them from that angle, lol). I’ll attach a comparison pic. It’s still noticeable but because both breasts are now the same shape it doesn’t look as severe. Xx
    PS. If the picture doesn’t upload it’s on my profile and IG page.

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    Imogen (@icrlm) 155

    Here’s another comparison. My left breast definitely feels bigger at the moment and it currently sticks out to the side more than my right. This could be due to swelling or because of a slightly different pocket position as a result of the asymmetry. It’s 100% better than I expected though as I was preparing for wonky uneven boobs. Xx
    PS. I’ll upload the pic to my profile if it doesn’t attach. The forum is very unpredictable at times.

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    @icrlm no they look great! I see what you mean about the angle you can only tell from below unless it’s on yourself. I guess a bigger size if I went for the same size implants might have emphasised the difference. So hopefully the 25cc difference evens them out! x

    Imogen (@icrlm) 155

    Depending on implant profile, 25cc only makes 2mm to the difference to the projection so it’s unlikely to ever even them out, but it’s all that can be done without having custome made implants. To be honest if you hadn’t even noticed the asymmetry before seeing the surgeon then I’m certain it won’t be more noticeable post op, especially with the two different size implants. Are you having HP?
    My concern was that because my chest wall projected much further (5mm ish) on my left side right by my sternum, I thought it would throw the implant out visually. I think this is why I ended up with HP as mod plus would have been 1cm wider and therefore would have sat on top of the highest part of my left chest wall and so would have looked more noticeable. Xx


    I have to get ultra high profile for it to look right on my body. Apparently even high profile would look strange on me because it would go under my arm pits and too high up on my chest and look unnatural. I don’t think I’ll be able to tell the size difference post op. We’ll just have to see x

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