Removing strapping? Started by: Eve

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  • Eve 19

    Hi girls,

    Had my op about 4 days ago now but my strapping is driving me insane. I have to go back to work in a few days and the strapping is really restricting me from standing up straight.

    I have a chest band, so do you think I’d get away with removing my strapping and just using the chest band? Anyone removed theirs early?

    I have tried contacting PC but no repsonse 🙁 xx

    Sophie 15

    You won’t be able to take it off yourself hun I don’t think, you’ll have to go to see the nurse. Ring MYA and see if you can get an earlier appointment. I had mine 2 days earlier than I originally booked xx

    Lexi 9

    Hi hun I had Mr Singh who told me I could move my strapping day 4 if I wish. I’m going to try and keep mine on for the nurse to do as I don’t want to see my incisions without her xxx

    Alana Wise 48

    My nurse said I could remove strapping 4 days after. I think Mr Singh said it too but I was partially knocked out at this point. I’d ring your nurse and just let her know you are.. If you’re comfortable doing it I don’t see why not. That’s what mine said to me. Xx

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