Restricted movement in my left arm… is this normal Started by: lucy

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  • lucy 12

    Hi girls, had my op yesterday, feel ok in myself but just hurts so much when I move my left arm… I’m right handed and my right seems to be fine, anyone else had this?? Xx

    Vicky 2

    i had mine on friday, slowly getting more use of my arms but make sure you dont strain yourself xx

    lucy 12

    It feels like it’s straining everytime I move it but then if I don’t move it for a while it gets worse ha I can’t win! Xx

    Abbie 43

    I was like this. I couldn’t move my left arm and had pains right up into my armpit but the right side was fine. In fact, all the pain that I have had has been on my left. Its completely normal, my nurse said I have to view them as sisters not twins. They are two separate operations so each will heal slightly differently. Don’t worry you are really early days yet. As each day passes it will slowly get easier. I’m two weeks PO tomorrow and feel almost back to normal with no pain. Id say by 10 days I noticed a massive difference xx

    Abbie 43

    Forgot… used an ice pack on my side and into my armpit where the pain was for 10 mins every so often which helped loads and when I was sat down a circled my shoulders to keep them moving as I found the pain was worse if I sat still as I would stiffen up. xx

    lucy 12

    Yeah I keep stiffening up! Will try the ice packs my mum brought me some this morning, so weird one side feeling more or less normal and the other in pain, I cried last night getting into bed because I got cold and started shivering and tensing but it hurt so much but felt so silly for crying haha xx

    Abbie 43

    Honestly Lucy I was exactly the same. I got quite down by day 5/6 as I was really scared that there was something wrong as I was having so much pain on my left. Especially when I was reading that girls on here were going out after a few days, I was shuffling about the house, hunched over and kept getting stuck on the sofa!! Haha! Id used up all my cocodamol so when to my GP and they prescribed some more. I think it all just got a bit much for me. But then slowly things started to get better and better and by day 10 I felt normal! 🙂 xx

    lucy 12

    My friend said I looked like I should be wearing a neck brace because of the way I was walking hunched and holding my neck ? it’s nice to hear that other people are like it though because like you say you just panic esp when it’s just on one side! Xx


    I had my surgery on Thursday, and I’m glad to read that someone is having the same problem as me! ? The first two days on the cocodamol were fine but I ran out yesterday morning and was in agony on my right breast! I’ve been walking hunched over with my shoulders all tense, but had been starting to think that there was something seriously wrong! hopefully the pain will pass.. ?

    lucy 12

    I’m almost scared to straighten up my shoulders I feel if I do everything is going to pop…. my left seems to he easing up a little not as bad as yesterday I was really worried xx

    Abbie 43

    Hi Lucy, I was exactly the same! I was shuffling around the house like an 90 year old and holding my shoulders really tight and high. The pain really frightened me so I went to my GP and got some more and stronger medication and stay dosed up for a few days till it passed, by day 10 I was feeling loads better. I’m two weeks today and feel back to normal. I’m going to have a neck and shoulder massage today too. It will pass don’t worry xx

    Jessica 6

    I had my surgery yesterday and it’s so much better when you get the courage to losen your shoulders it’s hard at first but you don’t feel as sore! After reading all this I feel 110% better! Felt like I was being a soft arse ahah!x

    lucy 12

    Haha I feel like I’m moaning about everything! I’m also scared of over stretching! my ribs have started aching today they are really tender and itchy! Has anyone else had this? Sorry I keep asking loads of questions from people ha xx

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