rhinoplasty problems 18months later Started by: Gemma

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  • Gemma

    I had my rhinoplasty in December 2012 with Dr gonshoir. He was amazing and did everything I asked. I was told swelling ect could last up to 18months later. My tip on my nose is still a bit big but I could live with it. My main issue is my breathing. I struggle to breathe through my nose and feel constantly blocked up. I have given it a lot of tine and just thought it was due to swelling but can’t cope anymore. I’ve booked an appointment with Dr G for October. Any one else at all had this issue????? Xx


    Hi Gemma, I have just posted about the same thing!! i am 1 year post op and i cant breath, im always blocked up unless i use a nasal spray and my nose randomly runs. my sinuses are sore sometimes and i can barely taste my food :(:(:( im starting to get upset because my nose looks lovely but the issues with the breathing are getting me down and I cant live without nasal spray which can actually make it worse and ur nasal passage can become addicted to it, so i read today!

    let me know how ur meeting with Dr G goes. my 1 year post op is booked for november.

    lucy xx

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