Scared of having the strapping off. Started by: Louise

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  • Louise 1

    Hi ladies, I’m 8 days PO, had 275cc moderate unders. Strapping is due of tomorrow and I’m really worried about seeing my new boobies, is that normal?

    My boobs currently feel really wide but with barely any projection and I feel like they point outwards away from my chest with lots of side boob but not much up front. Is this the strapping? Will they move round more once the tape comes off? So nervous they’ll take the strapping off and tell me “yep that’s it” and I’ll hate the positioning

    Louise 1

    Has anyone else felt the same? Is this what mods look like? I was under the impression I was offered mods as my chest was wide but currently the implants seem wider than me esp with them pointing side wards. Sorry for all the questions, just starting to panic now x

    sarah 15

    hey hun i was exactly the same i had 550 partials and when the nurse took my strapping off i cried as i was really nervous about seeing them 🙁 but once its off and they strat to settle they change soo much so u just have to be patient and hope for the best lol good luck xxxx

    Amy 265

    Hi Hun being anxious is normal I had to wait 10 days for mine off. As you had moderates they are wider and do have less projection in comparison to what high profiles are like.

    Louise 1

    Thanks Sarah. I was really excited until I woke up today and now I’m super nervous. The tape does seem to be flattening them in the middle and pushing them out wards and I know they change over time but I can’t stop thinking that this is the shape I’ll be left with. Thanks for the reassurance hun xx

    Louise 1

    Thanks Amy, know I won’t get as much projection and that I needed mods due to wide chest but I’m worried I’m all side boob and no front. Is that normal with mods or could it the position the tapes holding them in? Xx

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