Second boob job on the 13th January ! Started by: Gina

  • Author
  • Gina

    Had 340cc with Kazzazi 5 years ago , had two babies and breast fed both and now have excess skin! Now having 450cc with Kazzazi again as my Nipples still in same position but need to fill the skin after loosing 4 stone ! So excited but nervous . Logged on and saw my old body I could of cried . Add me girls I need new friends on here ! Xx

    Kathryn 14

    Hi Gina, sounds like similar to me. I had mine done ten years ago, I’ve had two babies and just had mine redone. They didn’t change at all though over the ten years apart from there being a slight gap that could be filled. I had pip implants do that was why I had them redone really. Was a walk in the park the op. It was so much better than last time, the only thing that’s bugging me is having to take it easy and not lift my two boys. X


    Who did you go with in the end ? I have a 8 month old and a 3 year old home be difficult xxx

    Kathryn 14

    I just had them redone at Harley as that’s who I went with last time. I’ve got a 2.5 year old and a nearly 1 year old so it’s been a bit of a nightmare. Luckily my sister has pretty much moved in for six weeks to help me with the lifting. X

    Bassett28 122

    Good luck Hun, what a nice way to start 2017 with some new boobs! Hope all goes well. I’m sure the results will be fab x


    I feel like rubbish had it done yesterday and I don’t feel like they look big xx

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