Sick of mya not getting to me Started by: jadey89

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  • jadey89 2

    Just a vent…I’m sick to death of Mya not getting back to me!!! This has been a problem from the start and has continued through out my time dealing with Mya! I have completey given up contacting my PC as she very rarely gets to me! So I have been calling the clinic direct I have left 3 voice messages about changing a appointment and guess what no one has got back to me.
    Sorry for the moan I just think it’s disgusting that they don’t get back to you! On this basic’s I would never recommend Mya!

    Roxanne 1

    Ive phoned so much before my BA and within an hour they called me back everytime, Not nice for you hope you get threw xx

    jadey89 2

    I tell’s just been rubbish. Maybe it’s the London clinic, I’m nearly 5 weeks post op and it’s been like this from the start! I’ve been phoning them since Thursday and they still haven’t got back to me. They didn’t even bother to let me know my admission time, it got to 2.30pm the day before and I had heard nothing so I had to ring them to find out, even then they gave the wrong time. I just feel like it’s a battle to get in touch with them, and I’m fed up with it!

    Jessica 1

    I’ve been dealing with the Fitzroy clinic, they changed by appointments for me straight away when I ring up, they text and email me I’m really sorry to hear about your experience. Have you been ringing the actual clinic number or your PCs mobile/office number only? xx


    I’m sorry to hear about your experience too!
    I’ve had a brilliant experience with them from start to 2 weeks post op where I am now.
    Why did you need to make constant contact with them?
    I only needed to contact once and the other times they have contacted me to checkup.

    jadey89 2

    Well maybe it’s just me then!
    I no longer call my PC as she never gets back to me, so I’ve been calling the direct line.
    I’ve needed contact with them as they have never once rang me, they didn’t even ring me with my admission time! I need contact with them now as I need to change an appointment…I’ve not needed more contact then the next person.

    KarinaC 10

    Sorry you are not happy with your experience. I would imagine that you can change your appointment by speaking to reception though? I am yet to have my op but MYA have been amazing so far. Even when I e-mailed my PC and she was on leave I had a call back from another lovely girl. And my PC was great as we had to change the date of my op – she was very helpful and supportive.

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