Side boob and a big gap?? Started by: Bella

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  • Bella

    I’m booked in for my surgery on Tuesday and iv been offered either 375 or 400cc high profile under the muscle, I’m 5’6 size 8 and weigh 9 stone, currently at 34a/b. Will 400 look too big for me and will I have a huge gap and loads of side boob?? Xxx

    Imogen (@icrlm) 155

    Hey. I’ve seen loads of shorter small girls with 375 / 400cc and they don’t look too small. It really depends on what size you want to achieve and how you felt the sizers looked?
    25cc isn’t a lot so it won’t make much different to the overall result. However, I would recommend going smaller if your unsure as going bigger increases the risk of Stretch makes, breasts sagging years down the line etc.
    The gap between your boobs will not change regardless of size implant. The implant is simply placed in the same place as your current breast pocket. Xx

    Hollie 19

    Hey Hun 🙂 it completely depends on your natural boob shape and chest in the first place
    350 was the biggest I could go coz of my back size and I do have ALOT of side boob and a natural gap, they don’t naturally sit dead close together
    But now I’m almost 8weeks PO, they are starting to soften and in a bra or even boob tape hold them close together now if I want that look 🙂

    My side boob doesn’t look tooooo bad, it’s more just round with a lot of volume but I like it! I think it looks quite natural the way mine sit 🙂 so I wouldn’t worry because in the end they will move round in a bra like normal boobies xxxxx

    sera 10

    hey sweet, I have been offered 400cc too, I’m 5’3 and I was wondering whether they would be too big as well but I think my surgeon said that it should minimise the gap that I have already 🙂

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