Size and Placement Help! Please! Started by: Holly

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  • Holly 2

    Hey. I’ve just had a consultation and the surgeon has suggested 500cc over the muscle.

    I was just wondering if anyone can give opinions/experience about what to expect with that size implants being over the muscle.

    1) when the patient care-coordinator saw the surgeons suggestions, she asked ‘are u after the fake look’ which indicates that 500cc over the muscle will give a fake look. I’m not sure as what is meant by ‘fake’ look, but i feel it has a negative connotation, so I’m a bit worried.

    2) 500cc is quite a weight, would having that much weight over the muscle cause faster sagging than under the muscle would? Because only skin would be holding it up, in contrast to having the muscle support it also.

    3) How soon after surgery do complications usually arrise? They offered me a great deal but with only 3 months free secondary surgery to fix complications. Is 3 months too little time for complications to arise?

    If anyone with similar measurements can advise me on what they had and the results.
    Height – 5.4ft
    Current Cup size – 34 C
    Very broad shoulders
    Hour glass figure (without the boobs yet lol)

    Any advice would be much appreciated

    Thank you

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