Sleeping :( Started by: lauren

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  • lauren 5

    10 days post op now, when can I start to sleep on my back? Haha xx

    Alice 27

    I was thinking the exact same thing, I double checked the leaflet that they gave me at Fitzroy when coming home and it says you can lay on your back from 2 weeks post op at least but you should try to sleep at a 45 degree angle for as long as possible. I usually sleep on my side so this sitting upright sleeping is driving me crazy! X

    Amy 265

    Hi girls maybe try a little less raised. I know it’s really hard. I was allowed to sleep on my side at 4 weeks. You’ll find when you can sleep how you want to you don’t like it. I am still waking up laid on my belly and freaking out thinking av damaged them lol x

    lauren 5

    Thanks for the help! Xx

    Alice 27

    Thanks for the advice @amy03, yea I’m sure I’ve read somewhere that after 2 weeks to start laying back gradually x

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