Sleeping in sports bra after 6 weeks Started by: Jessica

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  • Jessica 15

    Hiya, I’m 7 weeks post op, when I had the nurse meeting at 6 weeks I got the ok to wear normal bras and everything and said could sleep without a bra on.

    A lady I know had a ba and she said to still wear a sports bra to sleep in for another few months Cus they can still move?

    Iv been sleeping without one, what’s best? X

    Aj 15

    I’m probably not the best person for advice on this but I’m planning on sleeping in my bra after 6 weeks, I’m just 1 week post op, so probably erring on the side of caution.

    If you feel ok to sleep without it and the nurse has ok’d it, go with what feels best for you I’d say 🙂

    Not sure that helps!

    Charlotte 31

    I went for my 6 week post op yesterday. The nurse said I was ok to wear normal bras but recommended me to still sleep in my surgical bra.. I prefer this to be honest anyway

    Jessica 15

    Thanks I have put my sports bra back on and il start wearing it most nights of the week x

    Lauren 20

    I’m 3 years po and still wear one most nights I feel they look better in a morning when they’ve been supported all night, I’m also a front sleeper so they get in my way if I don’t have them in a sports bra xx

    Mandy Pearce 23

    My daughter still wears hers after one year. I will too to preserve them x

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