Smoking Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Girls I’m really worried I’ll fail at quitting smoking before my op, is smoking as bad as they make out? X

    kim 45

    My op is in 8 days and I haven’t been able to give up yet either so I’m worried about this too!!

    Josie 13

    I just got told it increases chance of infection. dont know if that was just to scare me. I had to stop smoking Tuesday and I’m not really coping, especially with stuff going on at home. Hoping if I need to have the odd one now and again it won’t change much lol x

    Rachel 5

    I think everyone’s healing process is different. Some people on here have quit, some carried on. The fact is that smoking does affect the body. It numbs the nerve endings and makes it harder for your body to do what it needs to do. I’m a smoker and was told that they would do a test on the day of the op and it would be cancelled if my surgeon thought I’d been smoking. This stressed me out even more!! I cut down to max 5 a day for 2 weeks before and none for the 48hours just before. It was soooo difficult!! I had my op on Sunday and I’ve had the odd smoke since! So paranoid that I’m doing myself harm!!

    I would say, if you can’t quit do the best you can to cut down! And try for none for the 2 days before like they recommend. You want to give yourself the very best chance of everything going perfectly.


    Clairelh 85

    I went with a different company and was refused my opp because of smoking I was gutted I had to have it 2weeks after some companies do test aswell so just be careful xx


    I gave up smoking around 6/7 weeks before (not cos of surgery had planned to give up for a while) I used a vape with nicotine if I hadnt of used that there was no way I could of given up. I used lowest amount of nicotine (0.6%) and used it right up tot he day before surgery and everything went well. If you are struggling maybe try one of those? There not ideal and im guessing its much better to use nothing but there is no way I could of gone without any nicotine lol xxx

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