Spray Tan post op? Started by: Rosa

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  • Rosa 37

    I’m 8 days PO and met with the nurse yesterday, I asked her if I could go for a spray tan and she said it was fine as I still have dressings on and could even use something additional to cover the area too, but I just wanted to see if anybody else has done this just a week after surgery, would you recommend?

    Alana 27

    I used to have a spray tan every week before surgery. Even though it killed me I didn’t have one until 8 weeks post op. Just to be on the safe side. As the skin can be very dry and fake tan would irritate it even more. And didn’t want to risk it running in the incisions afterwards. I’d wait! x

    Sophie 123

    I’d probably wait till around the 6 weeks mark just incase any did manage to get in the incisions. X


    I wouldnt chance it the last thing u want is a infection the incisions are still very fresh i would wait 6 weeks x

    Rosa 37

    Probs for the best thanks girls!! Hate being so pale, at least the weather isn’t sunny! might just put some tan moisturiser on my legs to feel abit better ha 🙂

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