Stats… 5ft5 and 9 stone hoping to get DD Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hey girls! I’m looking for someone with similar stats to me so I can see their results! As you can imagine I don’t want to stay too small or go too big. Any advice is much appreciated x

    Whitney 1

    Hi I’m a similar weight to u but ur taller im 5 ft 8 St 11 lb just had 410CUI OVERS TODAY I said I wanted to look a d/dd don’t. Mind measuring larger because apparently implants measure bigger than natural boobs, but actually wanted to look a d/dd so rill see when they settled etc have u got your app booked ur surgeon will tell u what you can have to achieve the size u WANT! Anyway blabbing on a bit here hope u can understand. Ha x


    Hey Danielle I’m slightly I’m slightly similar I’m 5.3 height 8.7 weight and was originally a small 32b ! I’m 13 days post op and I look a D /DD tried a bra on and had to get E but that’s because fake boobs always measure bigger I have a few pics your welcome to add I ended up having 420 cc xxx


    Hey girls! Thanks for getting back to me. I had my consultation yesterday and will be booking with surgeon today for the next available app. How’s heeling? How do you feel when you wake up?

    Clare 1

    Im 5ft6 and around 11 stone and have been advised to have 410 cc unders but im worrying now they arnt going to be big enough x

    India 6

    @rachellouise23 did you take pics of celebs or from BA before and after websites? X

    India 6

    ok great, I have a consultation on Tuesday and was planning on taking pics! cant wait! x


    Hey hun I am 5ft 5 but i weigh about 10 stone 7 I have a big bum and hips am quite curvy, I had 510 cc overs and they have defo put me in proportion with myself. Ddefo take pics of what you are after thats what I did and I got exactly what I wanted I am only 9 days po though so still time to change shape size etc x


    Do you girls mind if I add to view pictures?

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