Staying awake during surgery…. Started by: Nicole Xx

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  • Nicole Xx 1

    Did anyone stay awake during surgery? Can you ask to have that ??? I’m not a fan of getting put to sleep! X


    Hey Hun, I think if you’re having overs you can have little or no sedation but i wouldn’t advise it. I hated the idea of being put to sleep and it stopped me going ahead for years but honestly it’s a walk in the park, especially if you have sedation instead of GA – it’s the easiest part of the whole thing xx

    Nicole Xx 1

    Aw thanks so much for your reply… Why is it that you wouldn’t recommend local ?? I had my tonsils taken out a few years ago and was put to sleep and absolutely hated it I panicked like mad.. Xx

    Jay 36

    Hi Nicole, with tonsils you are usually given general anesthetic but some surgeons will perform a BA under local with sedation which is described as a walkable sleep, you breath for yourself and don’t have any recollection of the surgery but it’s not the same as being put under. I’ve never known anyone have a BA without at least sedation x


    I’d just say I wouldn’t advise being awake during surgery – it’s a scary procedure with needles and machines and doctors and what if you move while they’re operating on you. Going to sleep is much easier and I had local and sedation and it was just like a lovely nap. And I’m not even sure you’ll find a place that does it without sedation xx


    Honestly I’m the biggest worrier and have a phobia of hospitals – if I can do it, you can too 🙂 xx

    Nicole Xx 1

    Thank you both for you’re replies… I’m still so clueless at this whole thing I don’t even know the difference between sedation and local, and general lol. It’s my first consultation tomorrow at MYA Newcastle I have a lot of questions to ask and this will definitely be one of them haha. Thanks so much for your help girls ?Xx

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