Stitch poking out!? Started by: Cascada

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  • Cascada 1

    Hey girls! I’ve got a couple of stitches poking out the corner of my incision 2 weeks post op, is this normal? The incisions not open but not sure what I do about the bits of stitch!? Xx

    Rachel -1

    Leave it. It will come out in its own time xx

    Cascada 1

    Ah thanks rachel! thats good to hear! Was worried incase I shouldn’t have left it, wouldn’t want it to get infected! Xx

    smoggs 3

    I had this too, the nurse trimmed them a bit at my post op, but there was still a bit poking out, it fell off about week 4 x

    leigh taylor -4

    I had stitches poking out of both my incisions from about a week po. My boyfriend tried pulling them out last week but they wouldn’t come out so he trimmed them up. Last night he tried again and they just came out but they will come away on their own when they’re ready so don’t worry it happens to lots of girls! X

    Cascada 1

    Thanks girls! It’s crazy how there’s so many little things to worry about lol, just assumed once they were In that would be it haha now I swear everyday I have a little worry over something new! Still love them though, defo worth it! Would not have coped without this forum though! 🙂 xxx

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