Strapping came off today!! Worried a bit though :S Started by: Yasmin

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  • Yasmin 8

    Hey girls xxx

    Just took my strapping off!! Sooooo happy with the results…..I am so shocked at the difference :O It felt extremely wierd looking down and finally seeing boobs! Still so scared of infection though. My left incision seems to look perfect and flat right under the crease. My right incision is slightly lower and looks terrible…so thick and raised, is this normal? I can see and feel it clearly through my macom bra that’s how raised it is. The nurse didn’t seem too concerned about it though. Anyone else have a similar scar? Is this normal? So scared of infection :”(

    Thanks xxxxxxx


    Don’t panic mine are the same Hun, they seem to be getting better every day though x

    Yasmin 8

    Thanks nikki ❤ also is it normal for them to feel itchy and sting or feel painful at times? Gonna be a lil worrier for the next 6 weeks ? xxx

    Annalee 4

    Yeah I had my strapping off today as well, totally shocked love the results but yeah one scar totally flat and one scar slightly raised in sections. So hoping they will both heal the same in time. Also worried how right to support them my Macom bra doesn’t feel that supportive with out my strapping but my sports bra is super tight and not sure if to tight ? Who u doing with ur support are u keeping them super strapped up ? X


    Yes all normal, my boobs have gone mega sensitive too which is probs all the nerves mending etc xx

    Yasmin 8

    Cant wait till they become normal again!
    Yup Annalee ur supposed to keep them as tight as possible. The nurse moved my macom bra to the tightest one …. but now Im wearing my asda sports bra and it’s feel hella lose, think it’s too big 🙁 feels wierd without the strapping like they are going to fall off !!!

    Nicole 3

    Getting my strapping of tomorrow, can’t wait to see them properly now! Did they look bigger at all once the strapping was off?? Xx

    Yasmin 8

    Yesss!!! I thought I was going to end up with C boobs in my strapping but as soon as she took them off I was like woooowww! They defo look a D/DD…felt soooo wierd looking down and seeing big boobs!! Strapping and a macom bra defo squishes them down xx

    Nicole 3

    Oh good!! wow. Really excited now! Xx

    Yasmin 8

    Good luck!! Just got measured as a 32DD xx :))))

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