STRETCH MARKS HELP Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi ladies, I’ve already got stretch marks on my belly and boobs before my op. What can I start using to get rid of these the best I can and prevent future ones when I get my op? I don’t want to have big boobs covered in stretch marks 🙁 I don’t mind the odd few pale ones but if they’re dark and covered I’ll be gutted x


    I’ve been using Bio oil on my boobs (not incisions) since day one! Rubbing it in thoroughly. Massaging can also help later down the line. I also have existing stretch marks on my tummy and sides and use Strivectin. It’s expensive but really works! I hope this helps! Xx

    Beckii 50

    I’ve started using bio oil 2x a day now (5 weeks pre op) and just ordered some strivectin too just incase …. Like Hayley said its expensive but so will are new boobs … So I think its worth it.
    I’ve ordered my strivectin from feel unique .com as they have 40% off at the moment.
    Also taking evening primrose oil tablets … Just hope this all works … Stretch marks is my biggest worry xx


    Thankyou ladies much appreciated xxxxx

    aly 3

    I have stretch marks all over my body even though I’ve never been fat, so I was really worried my boobs would be covered. I’ve used bio oil and coconut oil twice a day two weeks prior to op and ever since. 6 weeks po now and no stretch marks! x

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