Struggling to move Started by: Bonny

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  • Bonny 5

    Hi girls I’m 2 days PO and am still in a lot of pain and still unable to move my arms very well.. Is there anyone else that struggled with pain after, I’m not worried it just hurts ?? xx

    Joanne 19

    Hey Bonny I was exactly the same! In agony the first few days, could hardly do anything! Was even flushing the loo with my foot as my arms wouldn’t work ? but around day 4 the pain kinda just went?? So weird! By day 5 I was absolutely fine! Don’t get me wrong, they still felt strange and has some twinges etc but definitely no pain and my movement wasn’t really restricted at all! Xx


    Hi @bonnyhudson I was the same, my worst day was yesterday. I’m POD5, it does get better! Still a little sore, have some sharp pains and stiffness in the morning. Just make sure you’re resting well x

    Bonny 5

    Thanks girls I thought it was just me being a baby! Haha just wanna have a stretch and cuddle down in to bed on my side ? Hahaha xx

    Amy 2

    What size did you go for in the end Bonny? It does hurt the most during the first few days but after a week you’ll be moving a lot more! The pain was bad for me and I didn’t move my arms much at all- make sure you try and move them as I got so stiff and that made me feel worse! Happy healing xxx

    Bonny 5

    I’ve got 225 in one side and 250 in the other, but I was so tiny before this has made a huge difference, hope it’s not all just swelling ? I like them now haha, yeah I’m trying but it’s like having a drink, I can’t lift the bottle up enough.. Feel so stupid haha x

    Amy 2

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    It defs won’t be just the swelling, it’s so nice to finally have them isn’t it! I had 250cc. Aww bless you, it’ll will get easier day by day and before you know it you’ll be back to normal with boobies!! Xx

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