Swelling !! Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi Ladies. Anyone got swelling really bad? I’m POD6 with unders. I’ve got it on one breast only and it’s painful. Took ibuprofen. Any one any advice ? Is this quite normal. Xx




    You can see in pic left breast much bigger /swollen than right. The swelling pain is at the side though where all bruising is x

    Chloe 43

    I would send a picture to your nurse or PC see what they say. It may well just be swelling. But could be anything I’d double check with them to be on the safe side xx

    Chloe 43

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    Don’t want to worry u but it could be a bleed. (Haematoma) I had 1 a couple of hours after surgery and had to go back down to surgery to get it drained out. Xx


    @Chloe thanks for the advice x

    Claudine 196

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    Hi Jen, hope you have managed to get some advice from Mya to put your mind at rest, it might be a cause for concern and definately needs checking out but just wanted to share my day 6 picture, i was quite worried there was a problem but it did turn out to be just swelling and settled down again im 9 weeks post op now and still have a small size difference but i had it before the op, hope your ok and it’s just part of your healing process xxx

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    @claudine Thanks so much for sharing your pic ! So like mine at moment, left one bigger ..today though a different story ! My left feels more comfortable today and my right is having a tantrum. Ha! They are so unpredictable. This really is a roller coaster. I’ve bought some cooling arnica gel today which has been good , has soothed the swelling a lot. I’m just so badly bruised , its even slid down my side . I’m pretty certain today there’s nothing critical going on and is all part of the unpredictable recovery process xx

    Claudine 196

    Hi Jen yes it’s a major rollercoaster and they do change every single day, this pic was taken the day after that one even my nurse was shocked at how quickly it changed xxx

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    Claudine 196

    You might have a few weeks of it coming and going Jen, as long as you know it’s just healing process i would try to ignore them a bit whilst you focus on just recovering, i’ll post a few more pics for you so you can see how they might take shape over the next few weeks xxx


    @Claudine thankyou , your look amazing ! I feel so much better after seeing Mr Kazzazi yesterday, he reassured me that all is well and it is just severe swelling and bruising. He showed me my incisions too which looked clean and well fused. I was expecting to see something more gruesome. I had been worrying I may have a bleed ,infection or something serious and the worry was stressing me, sometimes too much research can fuel anxiety I have learned. I’m eager to get these weeks passing by so I can heal. I’ve found it so hard the first 10 days to the point I was regretting it all . Thanks for your help xx

    Claudine 196

    I went through a little phase of regret too it’s hard not to, here’s some more pics ive deliberately put lots of my ‘dodgy pics’ in there ha ha, pics where i had a size/shape difference but there’s lots on my profile anyway, really happy for you that your surgeon has checked you over and put your mind at rest Jen xxx

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    Thanks Claudine , those are great , thanks for sharing x


    @Emma your left one looks exactly like mine , swollen and bruised, it’s took mine about a week to calm down , it’s been so painful, today my left boob is yellow all,the way round , on top and under arm pit, bruising even slid down my torso I was so badly bruised it was like I had been beaten with sticks , it looks to me like your bruising hasn’t fully come out yet , once your bruising starts to come out the swelling seemed to go down too in mine, albeit a slow process, mine still swollen but much more comfortable and not feeling like it was about to self combust! I did go back to my surgeon for reassurance and it helped loads so maybe consider contacting them , mine is only 20 mins from where I live so is easy to drop in but if yours is far send the picture to them , they look fine to me, if not better than my left one did, so don’t worry too much xx


    Mine today. Looks awful. Bruised horrific ! X


    Try again. All bruising coming out now 12DPO. Please avert eyes anyone squeamish. It’s not pretty Sorry X

    Rebecca 6

    Hi Jen, not sure if anyone has mentioned it but my saviour was frozen peas! I had a swollen left boob right at the top and left side and spent most of the first 2 weeks hlpolding peas on it whenever it felt sore or swollen and it really really helped, more so than ibruprofen. This was recommended to me by my nurse and it’s the best advice I’ve received yet!

    But of course if you are worried do contact them with photos and see what they say. Good luck and keep us all updated!x


    @rebecca thanks hun. Still swollen but the throbbing gone. I used koolpaks. I had 4 and kept using 2 then back in fridge then next 2 cool ones out. Anything ice , peas , packs etc..are a great relief. I even have an ice cap (migracap) that I was wearing a lot as I had a fever at one point. It’s scarey stuff. Turned a massive corner this week and feeling tons better ..albeit still deformed looking boobage ;-/ xx

    Claudine 196

    My bruising was still coming out at nearly 3 weeks post op around my ribcage and my sternum, they do have to be quite forceful with your body at times during the op, i don’t know if it may benefit either of you but you could watch the op being performed (if your squeamish don’t!) It will probably put your mind at rest once you visualy have an explanation for all of your pain, bruising and swelling xxx


    @Claudine seen snippets before and it’s pretty brutal. What we ourselves through!xx

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