The importance of wearing sports bra?? Started by: louisee1919

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    Hi girls
    I am obviously aware that we must wear a sports bra for 6 weeks. I am starting to get sooo impatient haha. What is the risk I would be running If I was to go braless??
    I need talked out of it asap haha xxx


    I’m only 21 days post op xxx


    Lol I’m only 12 days po and already bored of wearing mine!! Lol they obviously have genuine reasons for advising us to wear them that long so that’s what you have to keep thinking!! X

    Rinx ♥ 4

    Just so it’s holding everything in. And so their not flopping about as you. Have had serious trauma. If I can put it like that to yourself so it needs to heel properly without them swinging about and all sorts! And mainly to. Hold the implant in place.! When I was 4 weeks I started to let them free for. Like 4-5 hours but you can do it now have a break from the sports bra for a n hour or so as long as your not. Doing anything that will cause harm to them xx

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