Today was the day!!☺️ Started by: Emily

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  • Emily 28

    Hiya girls just thought I’d share my experience with Mya with you girls without trying to rant on! I booked my surgery just at the beginning of January but have dreamt about it for years I just could never afford it, my partner had to live with how sad I was about it day in day out I currently have no mirrors in my house I was that ashamed to look at my body so now I feel complete. I received my admission time about a week before today which I was surprised about. I had to be at Preston for 8am so travelled down from Newcastle through the night. I arrived on time and was seen by the nurse straight away, I was second on the list according to her. Everything was flowing from then seeing the doctors surgeon ect. I fell asleep about 10.30 and woke up at 12 getting impatient.. About 45 mins later they were ready for me, I never expected to be so nervous but my whole body was shaking I felt freezing cold but the staff were absolutely amazing with me next thing I woke up in recovery with slight discomfort but not what I expected at all! The nurse asked me if I wanted to see them I glared down my gown and there they were my new babies I cried with joy! I was up and about 30 minutes after surgery but girls don’t rush yourselves every person is different. After a few hours I was discharged oven antibiotics and plenty of pain killers. I’m now all cosy in my hotel room waiting for someone to burst my bubble and tell me I’m dreaming. Pain wise I’m not to bad at the minute just slight discomfort and tightness it’s quite hard getting up and down so someone is defo needed to help you. I think maybes tomorrow I might be even stiffer but it’s the best thing I’ve ever done and any second of pain is worth it so all your girls with any doubts you want it go for it no pain no gain!! Xxx

    hayley 3

    hi Emily, i have just read your post and it made me smile from ear to ear, i dream of the feeling you got today, happy healing and enjoy them xx

    Alia 11

    So pleased for you hun! Congratulations!! I’ve got mine this saturday!!

    Hannah Fitz 48

    Aww I’m glad to hear that you have finally got what makes you happy 🙂 I am similar to you, I hate being naked and seeing myself eugh! But now only 11 days to go (I think) I’m booked in on the 9th! It’s came around so fast and I can’t wait to be complete and I’m sure my partner will be happy because I am.
    Again so glad your happy and I hope your healing goes well xx

    Emily 28

    Good luck Ali’s you’ll be fine honestly don’t work yourself up over it you’ll sail through xxx

    Emily 28

    Thanks Hannah.. It’s the best descion I’ve ever made. Don’t even let yourself get upset about it anymore your booked in and within no time you’ll have your new babies. I’m struggling to sleep I must say just stiff and can’t get comfy I hate lying on my back but the pain is still bare able! Good luck girls keep me posted I will. Any questions just message me I’ll get pics on when I can gutted I didn’t take a before pic though xxx


    Hey! Thank for sharing your story. It’s nice hear something positive. Happy healing xx


    Aw happy healing hunni , I had mine done on Tuesday , finding it hard to sleep too my neck is killing booked in for a massage for tomorrow I cannot wait! Xxx

    Emily 28

    I’ve really struggled to sleep I must admit I woke up quite a few times unformfortable. I had a few tears just through frustration I woke this morning sore and very stiff hoping today will pass quickly!! Thanks girls xxx

    Rebekah 33

    @myahannah I’m also in on 9th!! Getting nervous now it’s so close xx

    x Danni x 13

    Wow!! Sounds like my life! Poor husband had 10 years of me being depressed about my breasts an finally getting it done on Tuesday x

    Emily 28

    I’m glad to hear that Hayley Xxx

    Sophie 16

    Awh this is so nice! I’m the same as you I’m so embarrassed about mine, and this post has defo helped me! HAPPY NEW BOOBS!! YAY!! xxx

    Lisa@anne 13

    Hi Emily hope you don’t mind the was lovely to read your partner goes through the same thing lol cos I’m just miserable about my A cup boobies 🙁 .im wanting to meet mounir as I’ve seen some of his work and it all looks fab.what’s he like? Do you know if he only operates from Preston? I am also just wanting to be a day case as I want to get back for my son 🙂 .happy healing :)xx

    Emily 28

    Thankyou Sophie Hun!! It’s changed my life over night if you want it go for it. Shouldn’t ever be embarrassed of your body but I know how hard it is xxx

    Emily 28

    I’ll attach a photo for you Lisa!! He’s amazing honestly and he makes you so at ease. I’m not sure I never really seen his name much it made me worry a bit but I would recommend him all the day! I was also day case was discharged within 3 hours and stayed at a hotel close… I was up and about so quick it’s today I’m feeling it probably after all the drugs I had wearing off lol xxx

    Emily 28

    It won’t let me add the photo it’s just not loading xxx

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