Today's the day! Started by: Lauren

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  • Lauren 34

    Currently sat in my room waiting.
    Just had Dr Fiumara come and visit and draw lines on my breasts as well as the anaestheticist and they said I should be going upstairs for surgery in about an hour… Feeling nervous, all seems real now! Wish me luck? Xxx

    Jo 35

    Good luck! You’re in safe hands!


    Good luck Lauren!! Keep me posted if you don’t mind I’ve got my operation in the morning and I’m terrified haha! Xxx

    Lauren 34

    Thanks jo! All over now☺️ Xx

    Lauren 34

    Thank you Stephanie! All over and done with now, just sat in my room in the hospital watching Jeremy kyle! lol… I haven’t really seen my boobs yet but you will be fine! It’s no where near as ad s I thought as I was really worried because I’ve never had an op or anaesthetic before.. Just hoping they look good now! Xxx

    Lauren 34

    And no I don’t mind keeping you posted! I will post a proper post about everything when I’m not as tired and can be bothered to write it but feel free to ask any questions ☺️ Xxx


    Lol aw glad it’s all over for you! Happy healing lol! I hope mines over with super quick and then I can wake up with a new set of twins ? Haha! When do you have to put yore sports bra on? Xxx

    Lauren 34

    Yes definitely glad it’s over and done with! Don’t feel too bad either, just a bit fragile… But yeah it went really quickly tbf, my admission time was 9 but we got here early at quarter to and they took me to my room straight away. Went in for surgery at quarter to 12 and because I was seeing the nurses, the surgeon and everything before, it went quickly.. Should be able to leave within the next hour. What cc are you having? Well I think it depends, I woke up and didn’t have my bra on, they took me to my room and and after a few minutes the nurse asked me where my bra was so that she could put it on for me xx

    Lauren 34

    Sometimes they ask you to take it up to surgery with you though so that they can put it in straight away xx


    Oh well sounds like it’s less complicated and scary than what i thought ha. I’m having 400 cc go partials was offered 450 but worried they might of been to big lol! I’ve got a few bras but I was advised not to get the ones that fasten at the front so il have to get my bf to help lol! What did you wear when you were going to the hospital I was told to wear loose clothes but then I was told wear my “normal” clothes?? Lol xxx

    Lauren 34

    Yeah it is tbh… Oh okay well they’ve just told me that in the end they put a 420cc Hp implant in my left and a 375cc Hp implant in my right! My right must have been much bigger than I had thought and it still looks slightly bigger but that could be down to anything like swelling so will wait and see!
    Oh really? They have always told me to get the ones that do it at the front because it’s difficult to use your arms.
    But my boyfriend has helped me get out of bed and stuff lol.
    To the hospital I just wore normal clothes.. Black jeans and a hoody but obviously bought more comfier and easier clothes to change into afterwards… I don’t think it matters what you wear on the way. As long as you have comfier and easier clothes to put on afterwards xxx


    Yeah I thought that too regarding the bras i mean, I hate when you get two conflicting bits of information! Thanks though you’ve put my mind and rest and made it easier to decide what to wear! Lol. I’ve got loose clothing for afterwards I doubt il be bothered looking decent il be a scruffy mess and half asleep knowing me haha! How you feeling? Pains any better/worse? Xxx

    Lauren 34

    Yeah it is frustrating because I was worried mine wouldn’t fit when I was done but it’s surprising how much they stretch!
    And that’s okay, I’m happy I can help☺️
    Yeah I’m usually one of those people who never leave the house without make up and stuff but look an absolute mess yesterday and still do today but just on my way home as I stayed in London but was a day case?
    Yeah I’m not feeling too bad.. I would say it feels more tight, swollen and bruised than painful which just makes you feel fragile.
    What’s your admission time? Good luck Hun, hope everything goes well and let me know how it goes xx


    Aw good glad you’re feeling okay. That stuff to knock you to sleep is brilliant I literally knew no more until I woke up back in my room! Ha. I went to theatre about 10 am and was back and awake for 11.05 magic ha! I get what you mean about that right feeling! It’s like I have huge bolders on my chest ha! So excited it’s over with just can’t wait to see them properly! Xxx

    Lauren 34

    Yeah I know it’s great? Oh that’s good, want too long then! How you feeling about the size they are now and things? Yeah I think mine are a lot tighter today then they were yesterday, especially my right one as well.
    Yeah I know same, can’t wait till they’re healed!
    Glad everything went okay for you xxxx


    There absolutely huge atm so I’m terrified there going to stay that big ha! But I’ve been told they’ll go down wth the swelling. I’ve got a huge bruise in between my boobs though it’s bright purple!! And it kills! Do you think that’s normal? Xx

    Samantha 6

    Morning ladies just following your chat I’m having 400/375 on the 17th I’m petrified they going to be too big please can you keep me updated of your progress? Any photos would be good too thanks girls hope your both feeling ok?? I’m getting sooo anxious nervous scared excited I’ll be to take way by the 17th xx

    Lauren 34

    Oh really? It probably is just swelling tbf! I thought mine were big when on the first day but as I’m getting used to them and the swelling has gone down a little, they seem no where near as big now!
    I haven’t got any bruises but I’ve seen pictures on here before of girls who have big purple bruises around the area, it’s just where it’s swollen and a bruise in that place would hurt a bit but if you’re really worried then I’d just ring your clinic and ask the nurse about it xx

    Lauren 34

    Morning Samantha!
    Yeah of course, I don’t know if you’ve seen any of my other posts because I’ve posted pictures on those ‘my experience of my operation yesterday☺️’ and ‘2 days post op’.. But I will post more pictures throughout the progress… I’m sure they won’t be too big, I don’t think mine are too big and if they were much smaller I think I would have been disappointed so glad I went bigger!
    Haha that’s exactly how I felt beforehand, trust me it will all be worth it in the end xxx

    Aimee 1

    Afternoon ladies

    I’ve been following your chats as well hope you don’t mind xx I’m booked in for 300cc unders on the 16th and I was worried about them looking too big for me as I am completed flat chested at the moment . How are you feeling today ??? Xxxx


    Oh god my bruises are terrible I look like I’ve done 10 rounds with Mike Tyson!!! lol it’s normal to be anxious it’s a life changing decision we’ve made/making but it’s honestly worth it! Xxx

    Lauren 34

    Haha oh dear Stephanie!
    Hi Aimee, I’m sure they won’t look to big on you at all as I don’t think 300cc is that big but I guess everyone looks different and you don’t know till you’ve had it done’!
    I’m feeling okay tbh, my right is still swollen and my left is completely numb lol but not in too much pain, actually went out for an hour or two today lol xxx

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