Too far apart, so disappointed :( Started by: sophie

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  • sophie

    So I’m 4 weeks post op now and really unhappy. I have a large gap and can fit the palm of my hand between my boobs. I had 300cc high profile unders from 34aa and pre-op had no obvious gap before :/ is this likely to change in time and if not am I likely to get them redone free? Thanks in advance x

    Ashley 1

    If your not happy hun speak to ur PC, at 4 weeks post op very likely they will drop more and have a less likely gap xx


    I had my first consultation with a surgeon on Monday and was so disappointed because he said I was so small that he would do max 220cc which would make me a B. I was hoping for a full C. I’m 5’3″, 48kg and currently 34aa. He also said I have a big gap so with implants I would still have a gap. I’m worried now I’ve read your post that I will be unhappy… What size were you? And what implant size did you have?

    Tara 1

    Oh Ashleigh this worries me I am going 300 cc and I am so scared incase this happens ! Xx

    Jessica 1

    I’m the opposite Sophie… For ages I was freaking out thinkin that my boobs were way too close my gap is really small. I’ve got used to how they look now, my surgeon did warn me it could happen before my surgery. Wish my gap was a little bigger but I understand your concerns about gap being too big hun, see what your surgeons response is. x


    Aw Hun that’s no good that you feel disappointed.. 🙁 maybe they will drop more into shape, who did you have? my op is 2 weeks 6 days to go. Xxx hope don’t mind the add x

    Katie 3

    I’m sure everything will be fine once they have fully healed. This does worry me so much though, I’m having 290 XHP and I didn’t really talk to my surgeon about cleavage as I was too busy stressing I wanted to go the largest/fullest I possibly could. But now reading on here maybe I should have gone with mod plus 🙁 xx

    JJ 1

    At 2 weeks post op mine were very far apart. I’m 6 weeks now and much better dropping makes them a lot closer x

    Jodie 1

    Give it time hun at 4 weeks you could of parked your car inbetween mine and they were rock solid still I was beginning to think ” drop n fluff ” was a load of bull lol!
    But know at 8 weeks, they are squishy , jiggle and I have a fab cleavage coming !! And they still aren’t fully settled yet !
    Don’t be disheartened give them time xx


    I’m 16 days post op… Mine felt far apart at first, i would say this week I’ve noticed them settle more. Though my sergeon Mr Traynor clearly said to me that I will still have the natural gap, to get away from that comes down to plunge bras etc. who was your surgeon ? xx


    Haha jjodie that made me giggle


    Thanks everyone! Mandy I was 34aa literally had nothing and the maximum I was allowed was 300cc, but I am happy with the size as I’m measuring a c or d 🙂 but unfortunately at 2months I’ve still got the same gap and they’ve really softened :/ so just waiting to see the surgeon now. I’m just upset as I wasn’t even aware or told I had a gap before, maybe because I was that small you couldn’t tell! :/ I had kazzazi but apart from my gap I couldn’t fault him xxx


    I saw Kazzazi and he said straight away that I had a big gap and max he would do is 220cc… I’m seeing Monier Wednesday and hopefully he will be able to do a bit bigger? I really wanted 300cc… It’s such a hard decision spending all this money not knowing exactly how you will then out


    Oh really! I was worried 300cc wouldn’t be big enough, I would definitely try and get 300cc as I wouldn’t have been happier with any smaller. It’s a lot of money and you want to be happy


    Hey chick with unders. You will always have a gap with them mine are the same with overs u get a lovely round shape so there is pro s n cons with both x


    Did your surgeon not tell you you would have a gap? The gap is just what you already have, the implant has to go wherever your nipples are so if they’d put the implant closer together your nipples would be off centre xxx


    Hey Hun I was a 32 a to begin with and had a visible gap before and am now 3months post op and there fluffing and softening everyday and with right bra they push together nicely so give it time chik I felt the same after my op but they have changed so much xx

    Francesca -1

    i had 300cc overs from a AA/A, they were far apart for ages but now a year on i have no gap whatsoever, it’s still very early days as the implants take a while to settle xxx


    Oh that makes me feel loads better hopefully mine will do the same! And nope my surgeon never mentioned a gap, I never noticed I had one either xxx


    I saw Monier today and he was absolutely fantastic, explained everything to me. And made me feel so comfortable! Apparently I have a slightly “wonky” body and uneven gap and breast size (left is A, right is AA) and he has said I can have 325cc (ultra high profile (300cc In the other to even them out) so I can be the desired size. I’m so happy and only have 18 sleeps to go 🙂
    Apparently I will still have an uneven gap but it won’t be noticeable or “that big” when wearing a bra etc so I’m not that overly fussed…
    Also going under the muscle due to lack of breast tissue.

    22 yo


    aww thats so much better! How exciting! Good luck with everything 🙂

    Olivia 3

    Hey girls, like Sarah said, the implant has to go directly behind the nipple otherwise you would be looking crazily wonky after surgery!! :-/ My surgeon Mr Kazzazi was totally honest with me and said because I have a naturally wide gap, it will still be there once I have my implants! The surgeons cannot do anything to change this! However, they should definitely let you know during your consultation that this is the case…This is something I have had to consider when deciding whether to go ahead, but it the end, I think it will be worth it 🙂 and in 7 days time, I get to find out! Having 350cc high profile partials and soooo excited!! Currently 34b and hoping to achieve 34D/DD. Will keep you all updated with GAP issues and satisfaction post op! Eek!!


    Hi Hun, it’s nothing a good bra can sort out, you won’t find many girls without a gap between, the gap stays the same as before you have your boobs done so it’s probably just really obvious to you now because they are bigger. Don’t worry you have ages for them to come closer together mine got closer and closer 🙂 don’t worry too much! xx

    Sally B 3

    Mandy I saw Dr Mounir last night who said the exact same thing about me, he was so thorough with his consultation I really liked him. He asked me to turn with my back to him and put my phone onto camera and he took a pic of my wonky shoulders LOL. He said I have an uneven chest which is causing the appearance of uneven boobs!x

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