Tubular Breasts – HELP Started by: Chloe Sparkes

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    Hi guys,
    I am knew to this but am really looking for some advice/reassurance. in 2013, i visited MYA and had a consultation with MR Sign who explained that i had Tubular Breast. i wasn’t very happy after leaving the consultation because MR Sign basically said due to my type of breast with implants it isn’t guaranteed to get the finishing result id hope for( wouldn’t work) . i am so unhappy ive finally decided to go ahead with booking another consultation. they are now worse from loss of weight.
    is there anyone that could post before and after photos if you had tubular breasts so i can see what can be achieved and if possible any recommendations of surgeons etc.

    Isabella 10

    Hi Chloe, I was in exactly the same position as you and felt horrible!! I don’t have any pics unfortunately but I’m considering 250cc, overs, moderate plus profile, anatomicals as they stretch the base of the boobs out a little more and have been told that they will look more natural on my petite frame (5ft2, 8st 1o). Wish I could help more but let me know if you have any questions and maybe we can help eachother out! 🙂 xx


    Hi Isabella,

    i went and met with my PC earlier this week and she has recommended going for an uplift with implants due to my tuberous breasts…do you think this is necessary?? i have lost a lot of weight mind so my boobs are empty but this has put my expectation cost up £. i am meeting with surgeon on 7th so hopefully hell be able to help as i am 10stone.8 and 5’6 so think id need in the range of 400cc which is what they mentioned before! i have just accepted your request to being friends 🙂 have you booked your surgery?

    Isabella 10

    Hey! I really wanted to avoid the uplift too due to the extra cost. It’s all so expensive arggggh 🙁 I do think I personally need one as mine are down by my knees due to weight loss, having gone from a size 12 to a size 6 in just under a year. Plus, tuberous breasts tend to sag at a faster rate due to the lack of support in the lower pole. I don’t know whether you would need an uplift. I suppose it all depends on how happy you are with them at the moment. If you don’t think they’re particularly saggy then you might not need one after all. How many surgeons have you seen? Have they all said the same thing? xxx

    Josie 9

    Hi Chloe I was in a similar situation to yourself I had slightly tubular breasts and I’m currently 3days post op I didn’t have a lift just ba and had 350cl high profile overs add me if you like my story is on the profile and il get pics up shortly any questions il try best to answer for you x


    Isabella, i have only met with the one surgeon, 3 years ago! who was the one who told me i had tuberous breasts and said that just an implant would sag so i didn’t carry on with the procedure due to the cost of it being out of my budget! but i’ve recently gone back to MYA and i am meeting with DR Marcellino on the 7th so hope he can give me some guidance, if he suggests that an uplift and implant is best i will go ahead with that and just persevere with the payments because i dont see a point spending that money to then have to have them done a lot sooner than needed be. I hate my breasts atm have been selfconscious since the age of about 12-13 im not turning 21 and need to sort them out because they do tend to stop me wearing certain things, being comfortable around partners etc so i think it is definitely something i want to go ahead with just need different advice to see if people have gone ahead without uplift, i think im mostly scared about the scarring with uplift as it is a lot compared to just implant…but i think uplift would help position my nipple as they are very low down (near my belly button id say ha)
    Josie i have just added you! thank you very much, if i can get as much information from people it would be a lot of help atm im a bit stuck on what i need to do, whether to pay that bit extra or just have the implants suppose ill be a lot more open minded once ive spoken to surgeon!x

    Isabella 10

    @chloesparkes Hi Chloe, sorry – I’ve only just seen this 🙂 The scarring worried me too but as you say, I think it’ll really help the position of my nipples which are also near my belly button if not knees haha. Let me know how you get on! Have sent you a friend request x


    I’m meeting with Dr Marcellino next week from Cardiff MYA so hopefully he can recommend what’s best for me! The more I think about it I just want the perfect breasts and I’ve seen quite a few uplifts with implants and the scarring isn’t that bad actually! I’m so excited to get an op date! But I have no idea what size I would like to be, I don’t want to regret not going bigger!!

    Roxanne 36

    I have tubular breasts and my PA said i might need a lift, i was gutted about this and wasnt too sure what i wanted to do. After having an appointment with Mr Giannitrapani he said i didnt need a lift we decided on 450 HP im all booked in for my surgery on the 19th in London. Different surgeons prefer different ways always get a second opinion if your not happy 🙂 x

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