Unders or Overs? Started by: Ria

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  • Ria

    Hi ladies!
    I’m booked in with Dr Traynor for the 10th of June… (only four weeks to go!) I’m having 400cc implants hoping to go from a small B to a D. Only problem is I’m not 100% decided on whether to go under the muscle or over.
    Prior to meeting Dr Traynor I had mixed opinions on placement, some surgeons saying I’d need to go under and others saying I’d be fine with overs. I’m just worried if I go over the muscle I’ll have bad rippling.
    Has anyone else had similar sized implants or struggled with mixed opinions? Would love to hear some success stories!! (:


    If you want the natural look deffinietly go for unders..I wish I could of but had to have overs due to my boobs sagging from breast feeding xx


    If u were offered either.. then go with what u want n feel is best depending on the look u want hun.. im with traynor in june.. im having overs because thats all i could have as ive had children my boobies are empty and need filling and unders wont do the job xx


    @jamiesimpson Apparently I do have enough breast tissue, I’d just had my heart set on unders before meeting with Dr Traynor because there is a less chance of rippling and capsular contraction. When I met with Traynor he mentioned I’d achieve less of a cleavage and that the implants wouldn’t move/grown with my own boobs (if I were to get pregnant or something). xxx

    I do want a natural look, I’m really concious of winding up looking like they’re just stuck on but Dr Traynor seems very confident that they won’t.

    Can I add you ladies?


    @amanda25 Its just so confusing! Looking through before and afters some unders look really natural whilst some overs do too. I suppose its more about just having faith in Dr Traynor and what he thinks is best for me. I think because my boobs are so small I’m worried there won’t be enough to cover the implants! xxx

    Its so soon!! I bet you’re so excited! Can’t wait to see how they look xxx


    I know..I have been excited for weeks..sleepless nights, my ipad history is all boobs and even dreaming about having big boobs some nights lol..but now I’m getting doubts and really anxious but I think it’s normal to feel like this..saw a motto the other day saying don’t let a moment of doubt ruin a lifetime of happiness 🙂 I would deffinietly go with what your surgeon advices Hun..he knows best..if not have you thought about having a consultation with a different one? Xx


    Ok hun if u want the most natural look unders are probably best.. speak with traynor again and go with his advice.. after all he will know best.. mind i feel like i dnt have much breast tissue and he said im fine for overs he said he will move my tissue something like that xx


    @liberty-ruby I’ve seen three different surgeons and had mixed advice, thats why I’m so confused! From what I’ve read on here everyone who’s had surgery with Dr Traynor seems very happy & he apparently won’t do fake looking breasts. Haha mines the same! I keep trying to imagine what I’ll look like but its near impossible! xxx


    I had 410 overs with mr traynor nearly 3 months ago from an A. No rippling (that can be seen) and I think they look pretty natural. Take a look if you like xx


    @amanda25 With unders I’m worried that they won’t jiggle like natural boobies!! He said he would do unders for me but he did suggest overs. Are you pre or post op? xxx


    @chloephobia1 Have you noticed any stretch marks at all? They look incredible! What was the pain like, how long to recover etc? xxx


    Hey i was offered unders or overs, i was an A cup small B, and had 260cc hp overs and measure 30DD 3 weeksp/o


    Once healed from what ive heard they should jiggle normally hun.. im pre op booked for 25th june seen traynor a few times xx


    Thank you. Haven’t had any stretch marks so far so hopefully at nearly 3 months post op that means I wont get any. Recovery was great, wouldn’t say I was pain just a bit uncomfortable and stiff but didn’t use the pain killers. I was back home by day 3 or 4 after staying with friends, feeling completely back to myself minus reaching up to get things and being a bit more careful with movements than normal. Although I wouldn’t recommend it I felt as though I could have looked after myself from day 1, just took a bit longer to get dressed and to go from sitting to standing plus I was sleeping flat after a week and genuinely felt like I could have done light exercises such as squats xx


    @chloephobia1 I can’t get over how perfect yours are! If mine look anything like that I’ll be one happy lady! What size did you end up at? After seeing yours I think I’m sold on overs! xxx

    DD?! I’m worried 400cc will be waaay too big now. Could I add you? xxx


    @chloephobia Wow! Definately wouldn’t risk it though. Luckily I have my boyfriend to run round after me at first! Bit worried about going back to work though… xxx


    I’m anywhere from a 32A to 30G. Sounds big doesn’t it but the most important measurement is the band size and as you can see they’re not huge xx


    Hi Hun, I had 450 cc unders I’m 5 days PO now and recovering great, I don’t have the option I needed unders as I didn’t have enough breast tissue! Do you mind if I add you ladies :o) xx


    32e that should have said haha xx


    Yes you can add me if you like xx


    @Ria I was 34b and was hoping for a d/dd I had 380cc unders with kazzazi and I have a fab cleavage! Take a look at my pics if you like. I wanted natural look so my heart was completely set on unders, plus the less risks of ripping and cc and they don’t sag as much in time xxxx


    If you have enough breast tissue overs will give you the best outcome they will look more real , feel more real , and will hang more realistic and they don’t go upto ward your armpit when you lift your arms up under tension capsular contraction can and does happen on ethier placement and your surgeon should inform you of that . There are pros and cons for both methods if I didn’t have enough breast tissue I would have gone for under but I did so I had overs the recovery time is a lot quicker and is less invasive .


    How are you finding the pain @leahw29? I’m starting to get worried! What’s the swelling like? I only have a week and a day booked off work and i’m starting to panic that it might not be enough, although I know a lot of people on here have said they didn’t even use the painkillers! xxx

    Wow, you look amazing! What size are you measuring at currently? They look so big! I seriously cannot wait to have mine done, so jealous! xxx


    The pain has been a bit of a strange one for me! I’d say by far the worst day was day 3 PO, when I woke up I felt like I was getting very sharp pains in my chest but I hasn’t been keeping on top of the painkillers and I did need them that morning but apart from that I’ve been great! Yesterday was day 5 and all I took all day was 2 paracetamol before bed and that was only because of bum ache from sleeping sitting up!! I was due back in work this fri but I’ve called them to say I’ll be back Monday as my movement in my left side hurts more so I don’t want to drive yet but I’m back in on Monday, I had unders and the recovery time is meant to be a bit longer but it’s totally been bearable! I have 2 children also .. A 7 year old and 10 month old, been getting lots of help with them just missing the cuddling!! If you want to know anything else ask away :0) xx


    Thankyou hun I’m so happy! I’m measuring a 32DD/E. And it depends whether your having unders or over too for the recovery time! Unders take longer to recover from I had to take 3 weeks off work cxxx


    Aw how adorable! They sound like little stars 🙂 I think after having a big ol’ read through I’m gonna go with overs afterall. Traynor seems confident that I have enough existing tissue an it does seem as if a lot of people on here really do trust his work. Fingers crossed it all works out! Hopefully the pain mightn’y be too bad with overs too! Oh no your poor bum! haha! I am not looking forward to sleeping upright, might have to invest in a rocking chair 😉 xxx

    What branded sports bras have you ladies been using? I’ve been looking into the Macom but not sure its worth the £38! Any advice would be lovely! xxx


    I got the m and a zip up one it was amazing! My surgeon told me not to get a Macom as it would ruin his work lol. Just depends which type your surgeon prefers he will usually tell you or the nurse will xxx


    £8 post op bras from asda online, I got 2 and never wear my macom but wear those as much as possible even though I can wear normal bras now xx


    Just got back from my pre op and the nurse said not to bother with Macom… saves me a bit of money! I had a look in M&S on my way home but noticed they only do the zip up in black or blue, do you know if asda does a white? xxx


    Not that I know of, not in the one I have anyway xx


    I’m due to get 265 unders and im a 32 A – Has anyone else had something similar? Sooooo nervous they are going to look tiny or huge haha


    Oh no! Reeeeally need one for work and I can’t seem to find a front fastening one anywhere 🙁
    Don’t worry sweetie, they’ll look great! What size are you hoping to achieve? xxx

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