underwired bra? Started by: bella212

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  • bella212 1

    hey girls i was just thinking when you have yourboobs done and they have dropped and evrythings fine and you buy an underwire bra does the underwire sit under the breast like it normally does before a BA because i have seen some that seem where bra is on but the boob isnt completely in the bra cup if im making any sense plz join x

    Jess 1

    The underwire still sits under the breast but for me personally I find it really hard to find bras that fit properly like they did before, most of my bras pull up off the breast bone at the front in the middle if that makes sense. It means I’m completely different sizes in all bras even in the same shop and some styles I just cannot wear at all. I don’t think this is the case for everyone though and I have found a few that fit perfectly xx

    bella212 1

    Thanx jess glad i made sense to atleast somebody lol i know i just think we have our boobs done and cant wait to buy bra’s that we always wanted to fill but its just not as easy as that is it im happy you found one that fits you perfectly it is a bugger wen from the same shop they sizes still differ as u cnt even shop online then! X

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