Unhappy 1 year post op Started by: Sarah

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  • Sarah 1

    Hi girls,

    Haven’t posted on here since I had mine done over a year ago. But thought one of you may have some advice.

    My boobs are quite uneven since my surgery, I had one that was slow to drop but it’s like it still hasn’t dropped as much as the other one. I’ve waited for a year as they say it can take that long to drop into position – should I try and see my surgeon or could they still drop more?

    Any advice will be much appreciated!! Xxx


    Hey hun sorry ur feeling this way! They say it takes a year for the final result to fully show on some people so by all means schedule an appointment with your surgeon. It may mean they open the pocket a bit more to ease the implant down further or so I’ve read on here and realself.com

    I’m sure they will be able to resolve it for you fxx

    Sarah 1

    Hey Fran

    Thanks for your reply! Sounds like that’s exactly what I need tbh, think I will call them tomorrow, although the thought of more surgery kinda scares me! Didn’t have the best experience first time round…

    Thanks again babe



    Ur welcome hun! Try to think about the possible positives! Improved boobs and confidence plus you have been through the experience before so you know what to expect. Sorry you had a bad experience first time round but try not to let it put you off from making a change for the better fxx

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