Vaser Lipo 1 day post op. Started by: Katt Willis

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    1 day post op Vaser with Dr Hamlet… I had abdo, flanks, upper and lower back. Any questions feel free to ask. Xxx


    Hi Katt I’ve had my initial mya consultation for vaser lipo on my abs and thighs today…I’m busy researching the two surgeons offered but really keen to know what it feels like… How is your swelling and bruising and are you in any pain ? X


    I had Dr Grant Hamlet, and the results have surpassed my hopes already! Even though I’m only on day 4! He is a miracle worker. The first 3 days were very sore and swollen, but today I’m much more mobile and the pain is a lot less, I’ve only taken paracetamol and ibuprofen when I needed to. My back and flanks are very bruised and the most swelling is around my hips. I’m hoeing to do sine light exercise soon. The worst thing by far is the vest you gave to weae, the body suit is ok but the vest is a monster at over an inch thick! Xx

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