waiting!!:( Started by: sophie goodman

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    Hey Girls…
    I have been sooo patient, I went for my consultation on 29/08 and I am still waiting as I am moving into my own home and im waiting for a completion date! (taking longer then we thought)
    Obviously I didn’t want to be in pain moving ect and cant lift anything!
    Anyways I have a few questions as im probably going to be moving in next month and I would like to start the ball rolling with my op!

    1. Can I book an apt with the surgeon without booking a surgery date?
    2. When do you put the deposit down?
    3. How likely am I going to get accepted for finance (I shouldn’t have any problem but Im a stress head)

    everyone on here seems so happy after their op, I want to be happy!! 🙁

    Sophie xx

    Ele Wills 69

    I saw my surgeon without booking my op and then changed surgeon so yeah you don’t need to book before seeing them. Then they want the deposit when you book your op date. And finance wise my credit report was at excellent buit for some reason myas finance plan didn’t go through so went to my own bank an got a credit card and now have longer to pay back an with interest free. so don’t worry about the finance if it doesn’t go through try your own bank an get a credit card xxx


    Thank you ele!
    I have 2 loans (one is my sisters) and im going to have a mortgage as well so its probs unlikely I will get accepted! even tough my credit is excellent!

    Thanks xx

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