Waking up sleeping on side? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hey, I’m 19 days post op and have started waking up lying on my side. I’ve been putting pillows either side of me so I’m still a bit supported. It doesn’t hurt at all but I want to make sure it won’t cause any damage having them at that angle? Anybody know if this is okay? 🙂 xxx

    claire1984 7

    I’m 12 days post op and I’ve been sleeping on my side too.. I start propped up on my back then wake up propped up on my side cuddled into the v pillow.. I’m comfy like that and have had no pain/tenderness doing it (apart from a hard swollen lump right at the top of my right breast) but the nurse says it could be trapped air from the op? As long as you comfy you’ll be fine.. I did the same after my original ba too.. X x


    Oh thank you! 🙂 I’ve been waking up on my left side and I had a sore hard bit on top of my left but it’s really softened up this morning so I’m not too worried any more 🙂 Just worry every time I move them that I’m going to damage them! haha But I suppose that’s completely normal 🙂 xxx


    I spent my first night on my side only a couple of days post op. The second week after having my strapping off, I was in too much pain but now I’m the same as you and just wake up on my side. I also had a few hours the other night on my front. I’m assuming if it’s comfortable then it’s ok? I’ve not been told at any point that I can or can’t sleep any way in particular? And my thinking is, that we heal when we sleep and if laying a particular way means we can sleep then that’s got to be a good thing?? 🙂


    Hopefully its a really good sign that it doesn’t hurt and it is comfortable. Just my paranoia and having visions of them being wonky because I haven’t let them settle properly lol.. im sure that wont happen though 🙂 hope you’re doing okay 🙂 xx

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