Washing hair.. Started by: Amy

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  • Amy

    I’m having rhinoplasty in just under 3 weeks and im wondering if you washed your hair at all whilst the cast is on?!

    I have booked to have my hair washed at the hairdressers a few times but im wondering if theres a way to wash it at home?


    I havent even attempted this yet, but I’m going to later on in the week. Just going to lean over the bath backwards and get my mum to wash it, the same as they would in the hairdressers. I’ve just used loads of dry shampoo so far and its not too bad x x

    Zoe 1

    I did the exact same thing as you pebble just leaned back wards over the bath and got my mum to wash it I couldn’t go for 11 day’s without washing my hair! I put a dry face cloth on my forehead too in case any water trickled down my head and that helped x


    id say the best thing would be to go to the hairdressers to get it done thats what i did xx


    Yeh i waited and went hairdressers!x


    I actually sat in bath myself and did with the shower head on a really low setting so shower wasn’t too powerful.
    I couldnt wash my hair properly as couldn’t really scrub. But it did the job until I could wash it better.

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