When can I wet my scars 1 week po Started by: Charliegirl

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    Haven’t had my weekly check as I have gastrointestinal dying to wash proper scarce
    To wash my hair :(xxxx


    I was able to shower at one week PO 🙂 as soon as you see your nurse to have stitches removed/looked at, you’ll probably be allowed to shower xxx


    I can’t see her till next week as really bad tummy bug… She’s told me to by waterproof plasters still not to confident.. Aren’t the disolvsble stiches to?… Xxxxx


    You should be alright with waterproof plasters. I just had a shallow bath and washed my hair over the bath for 7 days. Mine weren’t dissolvable. I had mine out on Tuesday xxxx


    I’m sure dr traynor said they were disolvsble… Thankyou honey xxxx


    Omg they best be dissolvable can’t cope with more pain hah xxx


    I had Dr Singh mine are dissolvable he told me after my op because I asked about stitches 🙂 I guess every surgeon is different in which stitches they use. xxx


    I had mr traynor and they are dissolvable. I had 7 day check to remove the dressings and then had them trimmed at 14 days. After dressings came off I was allowed to shower but don’t actively wash them with soap or anything just let the water run over them.


    Haha I hope so toooo lol… Thankyou big help I’ve bought some water proof plasters aswell xxxxx

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