when can you go swimming and Started by: katy

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  • katy

    I gave just started back at gym doing lower body at 4weeks po and wondered when you can start swimming again and also sit up??


    Hi Hun I had my ba on 22nd April I go away on 14th June and mr traynor said no swimming in either the sea or pool whilst I am away due to risk of bacteria in either xxx


    Thanks I go on hols at end of June and my surgeon has said am Ok to swim then but just wanted to go before hand at my gym x


    Wonder why you can at the end of June and I can’t on 14 th and I’m in front of you ? Xxx


    Yeah I don’t know I have seen a few girls on here that will be 5 to 6 weeks po when they go on hold and we’re told it was fine just can’t stay in for really long periods on time maybe different surgeons maybe ask again Hun x as we both had ares done on same day so we’re same po x


    I had my boobs done yesterday and i go away on the 10th july and ive been told ill be ok to swim and stuff 🙂 xx

    CRx -1

    I got told 6 weeks to go swimming when i asked at my one week check up as I can’t wait to take my kids back so was one of the first things i asked (but i do think they give you the all clear at 6 weeks, as some people take longer than that to fully heal?) x

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