When did you start sleeping on your side? Started by: Amber

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  • Amber 6

    When did you start sleeping a bit more normally on your side ? And sleeping through the whole night? Xx

    La1993 28

    I’m 9 days post op and been told after 2 weeks you can usually start sleeping on your side but some surgeons recommend 6 weeks on your back I couldn’t cope ? I keep waking up on my side a little bit but I can’t help if I move in my sleep it’s such a pain xxx

    Amber 6

    Oh gosh!! Yeah I’m same as you, hate it lol. Here’s to counting down the days!

    La1993 28

    I know ? it will all be worth it in the end!

    Rachael 16

    You’re supposed to lay propped up for 2 weeks and lay flat for 6 weeks. Your implants need time to set in place and it’s painful trying to lay on your side so soon as they’re not supposed to move that early they need time to recover! It sounds a long time and you do get backache but it’s worth it not to have wasted all your money and not to get botched boobs!

    Charlotte 31

    I’m just over 3 weeks post op and I’m still sleeping on my back.. I use a v-pillow and then prop extra pillows at my sides so I don’t roll in my sleep.. It’s annoying but I don’t want to risk ruining my boobs! x

    Amber 6

    Thanks for the advice girlies! More weeks to come sleeping propped up then ?

    Jo 35

    I’m just over 3 weeks post op and I could start sleeping flat on my back at 2 weeks (although for the first couple of days it was still more comfortable to sleep sitting up!)
    I’ve been waking up the past few nights being desperate to roll onto my side but my boobs just wont allow it, it’s too painful to get remotely near it!
    It’s going to be amazing when we can all sleep like we used to, just with the added benefit of having boobies!!

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