When to book a BA consultation? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi Ladies, I’m really feeling a bit rubbish just now. I’ve been asking different companies about their prices, care, hospitals etc just to compare stuff and see how I feel. But I’m not sure if I should book consultations just now because I’ve only just started saving up and it’ll take me a while to save up for it. I am hoping to have half the money for it in the next year, and then to just go for it and pay the rest up. Not sure though. I really want to just do it and I can’t.

    What do you guys think?


    Hi, I went for my first consultation in December 2011 with Harley medical group and I’ve only just had mine done- 15/03/13. I took more time to research and save and make sure that I was 100%. I think it’s personal choice- finance is a option if you don’t have the funds to pay upfront or they do the piggy bank scheme….?!
    You gave nothing to loose by going to the consultation so I so go for it!!! 🙂 at least then you will get more info and it will help with your decision!
    Hope this helps x


    hiya.. i had my consultation about 3 weeks ago and set up my mya piggy bank yesterday with my first 400 😀 i think you should go for it! im seeing 2 surgeons aswell one on the 5th april and another on 22nd.. i also wont have all the money saved until early 2014 but makes it all feel abit more real lol xx

    smoggs 3

    i had my first consultaion 3 years ago, finally booked for april 2013! lol! no harm in doing loads of research. i kept a file with all my info in and went to open evenings in different hospitals so i felt well informed x

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